
I blushed as I once again remembered what I had told him. I practically had confessed my love for him, without even noticing it. He hadn't said a word about it though, when he had sent me another poem in the morning, which I honestly appreciated. It would have been just even more embarrassing to talk about it. The bell signalling the end of English ripped me out of my thoughts; I swiftly stood up and rushed to my next class: History.

Due to my eagerness to get into the same room as my "secret admirer", I was for once one of the first to take my seat next to the window. Mrs. Young eyed me suspicious, but didn't say anything. A few minutes later, the last student entered the room and Mrs. Young started the class, her voice sounding as monotone and boring as ever. I didn't bother looking around for him any more, as I was pretty sure I wouldn't catch him anyway, so my gaze was directed at the window and I started mindlessly dreaming as always.

As I had half expected it to do so, my phone vibrated, only 10 minutes into the lesson. I cautiously pulled it out of my pocket and took a quick glance at the screen, grinning slyly.

"I sometimes really wish I could read your mind. I bet your daydreams are a lot more interesting than the bullshit Mrs. Young is telling right now! xx"

I blushed at the thought of him actually being able to read my mind. It would be the most embarrassing thing ever, especially because he was one of the reasons for a lot of my dreaming. I glanced up to check that Mrs. Young was busy and quickly replied.

"They are, but I'm glad you can't read my mind. It would be sooo embarrassing xx"

His reply came only a few minutes later.

"Because you dream about me? Don't worry, I know you do, at least at night. You sleep-talk quite a lot xx"

I gulped, my face heating up again in embarrassment. I knew that I used to talk quite a lot in my sleep when I was younger, my mum used to tease me because of that, but I thought it had stopped a while ago. Apparently not.

Not too sure what I should reply, I decided to think about that later, concentrating on the trees outside of the window again, trying to keep a straight expression on my face, aware that he was most likely watching me right now. I was saved from any further embarrassment by the bell ringing. Lunch, finally.

I had waited to meet Liam and Niall, because I needed to ask them to go shopping with me. After all I still needed a suit for the date I had at the weekend, which I also still needed to tell them about.

I walked quickly through the hallways, wondering how Niall and Liam would react to the news. Knowing Niall he'd probably get more excited than a child on Christmas. I chuckled to myself at the thought, not really looking where I was going.

Suddenly I felt a bump at my head and soon after that fell backwards, landing hard on my bum. I shook my head in confusion, not too sure at what had happened, when I noticed a hand in front of me, offering me help to get up. I grabbed it thankfully and ruffed myself up from the floor, eventually looking up at the person I had run into, choking on the "thanks" I was about to say.

"A bit clumsy, aren't we?" Harry Styles chuckled amused, letting go of my hand when he was sure I was safely on my feet.

Shocked at how friendly he was being, I opened my mouth again to thank him, but closed it again when no words came out. He laughed once again - it wasn't a mean laugh though, it sounded rather amused - and then turned around to continue his way to wherever he had been going.

It took me a moment to sort out my thoughts, still confused as why he'd talk to me as if we were friends. He was one of the popular kids, for heaven's sake. He wasn't supposed to be nice to people other than that. My mind still clouded with thoughts of the previous events, I eventually arrived at the cafeteria, Niall and Liam of course already waiting for me.

I tried to shake off every thought about what had happened and greeted them cheerfully. "Guys, we need to go shopping today!" Liam gave me a look as if I had just asked him to jump off a cliff. "Shopping? Why the fuck would you want to go shopping?" He asked, sounding rather annoyed.

I grinned cheekily. "Becaaause," I started, dragging the a. "I have a date to the masquerade ball on Saturday, and I need a suit." Liam and Niall both stared at me in disbelief, their mouths hanging open.

"You aren't going with who I think you're going, are you?" Niall asked, his shock starting to replace with excitement. "If you're talking about my oh so secret admirer, then yes. I'm going with him" I chuckled happily.

Niall squealed (like a girl, I may add), jumping up and down on his chair, his eyes sparkling. "How did you managed to arrange that?" Liam asked curiously, slightly raising his eyebrows at Niall's child-like behaviour.

"I didn't. It was his idea." I said, and then told them about the day before.

When I had finished, lunch break was over and we decided to meet in front the school after last period to go into town and get me my suit.


"What about that one?" Niall asked, showing me yet another black suit, looking at me expectantly. I eyed the suit carefully, then took it and disappeared into the changing cubicle, where already three other suits were hanging and changed into it quickly. I stepped out, to show Liam and Niall and get their opinion on taking it or not.

"What do you think?" I asked, turning around once. They both were quiet for a moment, until Niall eventually spoke up. "You look pretty hot, mate. Even from a straight guy's point of view." I grinned at him slightly, scratching my neck awkwardly. "You sure, I look alright?"

"You look good, Lou. Honestly!" Liam reassured me, giving me a thumbs up. I looked through the other suits a few more times, but eventually deciding to take the one I had tried last. After paying, the three of us left the shop, happily chatting away, deciding to stop at Starbucks before going home.

While the others were still waiting for their order, I sat down on a free table and decided to eventually give my "secret admirer" an answer to his latest message. Remembering what he had written about listening to me sleep-talking, I typed:

"Nope, doesn't sound stalker-ish at all I bought a suit for Saturday btw, so you better keep your promise and go there with me. <3 xx"

While waiting for him to reply, Niall and Liam eventually found their way back to me, sitting down and placing their drinks on the table. We started talking about school, Liam loudly complaining about his Maths teacher, who apparently gave him detention for something he hadn't even done. My phone vibrated and I seemingly casually grabbed it from where it was laying on the table, unlocking it and grinning reading the message it displayed.

"Shut up, love . And I'd rather shoot myself than miss the chance of seeing you wearing a suit ;) xx"

I replied quickly, smiling like a fool as I thought about finally seeing him on Saturday - even though I won't really see him.

"I can't wait to see /you/ in a suit. Or rather see you at all! xx"

I sent the message and joined Niall and Liam's conversation about school again.

The sun soon started to set and we decided to call it a day and get home. The bus ride home was rather boring, and so was the rest of the evening, until as I had expected, I received another call from him around 9pm.

As it wasn't too late we had a rather long-ish conversation, learning a lot more about each other, until he once again started to play the piano for me, while I gradually fell into unconsciousness, smiling softly to myself.

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