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When I turn to gaze into my lover's eyes,
I wonder what my eyes show
Does it show my insecurities?
Can they see that they are my world in one lingering gaze?

Soft and strong when you need to be -
Yet I don't feel real.
Once you leave my embrace, I fear the worst.
Is there someone else who loves you better than I?

Do I drive you crazy with hyper thoughts and accusations?
Would you let my heart sink in my chest?
Raise anchor and leave me shipwrecked in the ocean of my own anguish?
Leaving me to tell myself, "I told you so."

When you return, I cast my doubts overboard and hold you
Until you say you can't breathe,
"You're so clingy."
I wish it were that simple.

You don't see that I struggle to see the truth in your words.
Our long past has played up to this, don't you see?
I wish I could be at peace, I don't like to be this way.

I'm afraid of losing you for fear of myself.
Don't you see?

Poems: From a Manic DepressiveWhere stories live. Discover now