Don't die- Bucky Barnes

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Edited: 7th July 2019


"Mission status" You hear Steve say over coms, as you are fighting off the HYDRA agents so that you can get to the control room with the others.

"I just got to the control room" You hear Natasha reply

"Making my way to Nat now" You hear Clint reply as well, as you grab an agents arm and flip him over and stand on his neck, before shooting him.

"Perimeter clear" You hear from Tony, as two more agents come running towards you. You do a double backflip before kicking the one on the right down and tripped the one on your left, knocking them both out.

"Stupid agents," Sam says before you hear a blast.

"Y/S/H/N?" You hear Steve ask, as you are trying to keep the agents from getting you by knocking them out and shooting at some.

"I am (kick..pant) the middle of (bang)..I'm going to need back up," you say, seeing a lot more agents come towards you.

"On my way" You hear Bucky say, as you roll towards the agents knocking them down.

You get back up to see some getting back on their feet and you had knocked some into the wall, knocking them unconscious.


You hear a gun go off and feel yourself falling to the ground while holding on to your side, where you had been shot. You notice you are bleeding a lot more than you thought.

"I've been shot," You say to the team over coms while also trying to keep the blood under control and shooting agents that are coming towards you.

"I'm here," Bucky says from behind you before he fights some agents that are charging towards him and you. He kneels beside you, checking your injuries.

When he looks at you, he breathes out "Y/N". Which you barely hear.

"Steve we're going to need some help here," Bucky says to his best friend, through his coms.

"Ok, Tony and I are on our way to you now" You hear Steve say, in your ear.

"Buck, it hurts," You say as your vision starts to fade.

"Y/N, stay with me. Come on Doll, stay with me. Open your eyes for me, doll" Bucky says to you rubbing his thumb across your right cheek.

You open your eyes to see Bucky with a look of mixed emotions on his face. You smile weakly up at him.

"Keep her talking" You hear Steve, tell Bucky as he and Tony get there.

"Y/N, what's your favourite film?" Bucky asks, sounding like he is trying not to break down and cry.

"Y/F/F," you say, weakly

"What's my full name?" Bucky asks, knowing you love to say it.

"James Buchanan Barnes, Bucky is your nickname," you say, weakly again.

"That's right doll. Tell me about the first day we meet" Bucky says, smiling at the memory of the first time he met the love of his life.

"I was sitting in the Tower living room watching my favourite show Y/F/S when the elevator opens and I turned around to see Steve stepping out with a huge smile on his face, I also saw that you were trailing behind him, looking nervous. Steve called me over and introduced us, I remember jumping into his arms in excitement since he had finally found his best friend. After I had finished hugging Steve to death, I turned to you and shock your hand, telling you how nice it was to finally meet you and how happy I was that Steve had found you. You.." You got out before your vision goes and your eyes close. Bucky was still proud that you got that far even with the coughing fits.

"Y/N, doll, wake up. Don't leave me doll, I can't live without you. I love you" was the last thing you heard before you fell unconscious.

You can hear machines going off and feel something warm on your hand. You open your eyes only to close them again from the light being so bright.

When you open them again, slowly, you turn your head to the left to see that you are hooked up to a heart monitor and have an I.V in your left hand. You then turned your head to the right to see Bucky sleeping with his head on the bed by your side and his hand entwined with yours.

You lift up your left hand, being careful of the wires and run it through Bucky's hair.

"Bucky?" You say soft and weakly, making him pick his head up to see that you are awake.

"Y/N, Your awake, don't ever do that to me again," Bucky says, with excitement and with a serious tone pulling you into a hug, being careful of your injuries.

"Buck," You say, causing him to pull away and look at you.

"Yea, doll?" Bucky asks you.

"I love you too," You say, remembering what you heard him say before fell unconscious.

Bucky smiles at you before leaning down and pulling you into a passionate kiss.


Should I do Bucky's P.O.V? Let me know what you think about this idea in the comments. 

Sebastian Stan/ Bucky Barnes one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें