3. What's her name?

18 4 0

*Excuse the mistakes*

We came to the lobby and stood in a corner beside a shrub with beautiful flowers.

Oh god!

I ran my fingers through my hairs. This is insane, it's driving me crazy!

I was feeling nervous, anxious, excited. All at once. I felt like I'm outside the exam hall, preparing for a viva. I paced across that little area. My three friends stared at me in bewilderment.

PR: "What's wrong with you Rahul? You were sulking from morning, and now you're behaving like you just saw a ghost!"

Yes I did, you idiot! You would have known my situation if you had gone through one.

Shwe: "Yeah! You're acting weird, like you have to go down on your knees for one of your crushes, haha!"

PR: "Come on Shwe, you know that he's not the risk taking types. That's why he has crushes and not girlfriends." And he snickers. Bloody idiot PR!

Me: "Enough guys."
And I went to a nearby waiting chair and sat, with my face in my hands.

As soon as I close my eyes, the image of that girl comes in front of my eyes. Shit!

I open my eyes and look at my friends gawking at me. Poor fellows. They never saw me this way, no, not even when I had just finished a 24hrs shift.

I sat straight, tried to behave normal. I opened my mobile, to distract myself. There was not much to do with my mobile. I was not the mobile addict. I checked my Whatsapp, went through my gallery once, and that's it, nothing left to do with my mobile. And no, I didn't had facebook/ instagram accounts.

I locked my mobile screen, and put it in my pocket. Again, I started recollecting my dream as well as the reality that just happened.

This seems so impossible, but yes, its true. She is real. Its destiny. SHE is my destiny, my fate, the one I have been waiting for all these years. This feels like a fairytale, I feel like I'm in the middle of a movie.

This made me smile. I couldn't contain my happiness anymore.

BUT, since my friends didn't have any idea of what's going on, they started eyeing me up and down.

Shwe: "O.M.G!! guys, did you just see? Our very own, Dr.Rahul Upadyay, is actually BLUSHING!! wow! that's news."

Me: "Don't mess with me Shwe. What are you even saying? Me and blush? By the way, its girls' stuff. Don't drag me into your drama."

Shwe: " O hello! Who said boys wont blush? FYI, We have live example right here. YOU!"

Me: "Yeah, whatever."

Shwe: "So tell me, what, or rather who is the reason behind your blush."

Me: "I told you I'm not blushing. You are such a headache. I can't even image what Adithya is going through. Poor guy."

Shwe: "Don't change the topic, and don't you dare bring my baby into this."

That annoyed her enough to shut her mouth until later. What can i say, I know the trick.

Preetham and Raksha played silent audience, but I knew very well, that they took in more than needed information. Silent killers.

We stayed that way for few more minuts, and then came a tall elderly man in a white checks shirt and grey pants. We could say he is a senior doctor here, just by his appearance, plus he had a stethoscope folded loosely in his hand. He was half bald, walk very quickly inside, nodding his head to those who greeted him.

I don't understand why most of the doctors go bald very soon. God! Please don't make me one of them.

We hurried towards him. He didn't even noticed us, and went inside the OPD in which that girl was there. We followed him, and stood at the door.

The two girls greeted him as he entered, he enquired about the conditions of patient who have been admitted, and few other essential matters.

By then we excused ourselves in and successfully caught his attention.

Raks: "Sir we are from AMCRC, we are posted to this hospital for the next 15days." with that she handed over our postings' letter to him.

He read it in silence and said- no, barked at us "Is this how you give an official posting letter? Are your college staff playing with us? where are your names? 140 names are here. Whom should I consider as the ones who are posted here? Take this, go! Go back to your college and get me a proper posting letter."

Shwe: "Sir, Plea-"

Sir: "No! I don't want to hear any reasons. You have to hurry now. You are already late. Your postings are from today. You should have reported yesterday evening itself, so that you can start doing your duty from today. How can you be so irresponsible, you are going to be officially doctors in just a few month. I don't accept such behavior. You can leave now. Get me a proper letter. Ask these students about the proper procedures here." Turning towards those two girls, "Explain them about the joining letter, OPD and IPD, shifts and other thing, have you done rounds?" He asked the last question turning towards that girl. She answered with a "Yes sir,"

He soon said "Lets go finish rounds, one of you come with me, and one of you stay here and look after the OPD." By the look of it, he inteded that girl to go for rounds with him, she seems like his favorite student. He went out of the OPD without giving us a second glance. That girl stood up to go after him, but soon the other girl made her sit by pulling her down by her hand and whispered something near her ear. By the way she was acting, she was clearly pleading. The girl accepted and soon, the other girl went out giving us a small smile.

I'm saying 'that girl' 'that girl'! What's her name? What might be her name? I have to find out. But how! The only way is by asking her. But what will she think if I ask her her name! No-No. Bad idea. I should make Shwe ask her name!

I turned towards Shwe to somehow signal her and ask her to help me,
knowing well that she'll tease me like hell afterwards.
That rhymes though!

I turned towards Shwe to signal her my request. Turns out, both Shwe and Raksha were staring at me with amused expression. Looks like I was staring at her so much that they caught me red handed. Soon their amused expression turned into knowing looks plus teasing smirks. Thank god PK was behind me! He haven't noticed much, I hope. The silent killer Raksha went further ahead and cleared her throat to hide her laughter. I knew it! These monkeys!

But thanks to my dear friends, I didn't had to ask them for help. They did it anyway.

Shwe: "Hi, I'm Shwetha, and this is Raksha, You are?" and gave me a quick look, which had the twinkle of mischieviousness.

I knew it, she would do something like this. She deliberately didn't introduce us, especially me!

Her: "Hi guys" She waved at us all with a sweet smile. how cute, "I'm Sapna."

Sapna- The dream!

Meri Sapnon ki Sapna. Perfect!


Hi friends, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, kindly vote and comment your views:)

Happy time.

P.S: In the picture is our Rahul blushing ;-)😉

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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