2.The reality

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*Excuse the mistake*

As soon as we went inside, we could see a lots of patients waiting in the lobby area, the reception too had a little line of patients, and behind the reception was a middle aged man in white and white. He was issuing out-patient slips to patients.

Since there was a long line, we didn't bothered to ask him, and went ahead to search the RMO's office. It was a rectangular building, with two square gardens inside and wards and various rooms all around.

We went around the hospital once. It was old, and beautiful. And also it was very calm, unlike the other government hospitals.
Maybe since this hospital is limited to epidemic diseases, and the rate has come down in India since a decade or two.

The garden were lovely, with a beautiful but old fountain in the centre of on of them. But the irony was, it was not working. It was rater be called a dry-fountain, if that word even exist.

There were a couple of nurses in the nurse station in the back end of the hospital, but Alas! No young ladies.

We came back to the entrance. The patients in the lobby had now made two line in front of two rooms, one to each side of the lobby. Beside one such room, or rather opd (out patient department) was a medicine dispensory (medical store in common words) and beside the other room was various rooms, which appeared to be office and a closed room which read out as Medical officer's office. Since it was closed and no one was there in the office, we went to the opd beside it.

There was a pretty long line. There was a waiting area, which had a couple of wooden benches, on which very ill patients sat. We excused through the crowded door.

Leading our little gang was the girls. I was the last one among the four. I didn't wanted to go front and get noticed by the doctor there, and get dumped with extra works.

A faint female voice was heard, she was asking questions to an elderly patient about his condition. He was answering her in a rather loud voice, in a story like manner. She was very patient, and listened to him, and the conversation went on. She seems experienced.

I peeped through people and I could make out there were two ladies sitting with their white apron on. Well, atleast some feast to my eyes!

"They seem like PG students." (Post graduate students) I whispered in PR's ears, and of course our very sharp girls too heard that.

Shwetha was the first one to initiate the conversation. I stood at the far end, but I peeped in (and thanks to my height, it made it easy) to look at those girls, to see how pretty they are.

One girl who sat in the far end and was noting down the details in the register looked up at us. She was a tall, slim girl, tomboyish, bold girl. She was looking suspiciously at Raksha madam.  I couldn't take a look at the other girl. She was so busy with the patient, she didn't look up, and this patient was so tall, I couldn't see her.

Shwetha: "Excuse me ma'am, we are interns from
AMCRC, we have been posted to this hospital.........."

That's all I heard. The second girl looked up and,
That's it. I went blank.

Is this another one of my crazy dreams, more realistic one?
Or maybe I'm hallucinating!

I pinched myself, ouch! It hurts. 

But she looks exactly like her...
Same cute face, with much lesser glow,
and minus that naughty smile,
same beautiful brown orbs, those doe eyes,
with a dark circle around them,
that same silky hairs
with lesser shine,
totally less appealing in this reality.

Everything about her is less, but she's her, the same girl from my dreams. I couldn't react. I didn't know how to react, how to process this miracle.

I kept still, and my ears and eyes continued to witness what's going on there.

She was looking at the girls, amd smiled a sweet innocent smile. And said "Oh no, don't call us ma'am, we're also interns here, from SVMC college." That beautiful smile!

Shwetha: "Oh we thought you are PG's. Our postings are from today, whom should we enquire?" With smile.

My dream girl: "Dr.Laxman will be arriving any moment, you have to wait for some time." Smiles back.

The girl beside her: "Hey you are Raksha right?"

Raksha: "Yeah, I have seen you somewhere!"

That same girl: " We had went to same medical camp last year."

Raksha: "Oh Yeah, You are Asha right?"

They both were smiling along with that beautiful angel.

Shwetha: "Nice to meet you girls, we'll be waiting in the lobby then" and turned around. Seeing my shocked face, she gave a questioning look at me and PR nudged me to move.

I came out of that trance, and walked out of that room, and made my way into the lobby.

Holy shit! Is this even possible? This is so creepy. Should I be happy or get scared??


How is the chapter?

Is it too boring?

Should I cut down the explaining about the subtle things?

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I Wish I Was Your Loverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें