Ghost (Part 5)

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It was late afternoon but Y/N was still lying in bed snuggled up in the blankets reading, the cat, Puddin, sitting comfortable in Isaac's spot beside her. After she had walked out of dinner with her parents she spent several minutes crying in the driveway before making her way home. She was happy to find the house empty, wanting to be alone, though Puddin had been intent on following her the rest of the night and even sleeping beside her in bed. It was as if she knew her owner needed her, and she really did. Y/N had made no plans for the day, she just wanted to relax, have time to herself and just not think for once, but when her phone rang she knew someone had other plans for her. She read the text message from her friend, asking her if she wanted to go out to dinner. Y/N knew she really only had one option, as much as she wanted to stay cuddled up in bed with her cat she knew that if she told her best friend no it would only create more problems for her. So instead she said yes and began to get ready.

It was only a short time later that Y/N heard the door open, startling her.

"Have you really not put my key back?"

"It's safer with me than under the mat. Besides it's not like you ever actually lose your keys."

"I'd rather be safe than sorry."

"Fine, if you can think of a better hiding spot than under the mat I'll give it back." Y/N thought for a moment as she put on the backs of her ear rings before sighing at her friend.

"Fine. Keep it. But if I ever need it you better be close by."

"I literally live three places down." The two giggled together for a moment as Y/N slipped on her shoes. "Now come on let's get going, I'm starving."

When the two arrived at the restaurant the two women made their way inside making small talk the whole way, when their food arrived there was a lull in the conversation and Lau used it to bring up the day prior.

"So, how was your birthday?" Y/N groaned and stabbed her fork through a piece of chicken. "Oh come on, it couldn't have been that bad."

"Oh, it was pretty bad. I pretty much let loose six years of pent up anger and resentment and guilt over my sister in front of Matt's boyfriend and my grieving parents. And that was before we were even ten minutes in."

"I could have been worse."

"I pretty much told them she will always be perfect because she's dead."

"You said 'she's dead'? In front of your mother?"

"Oh yeah, after she had spent half the day crying."

"Ouch. Well I guess it's hard sharing your birthday with a dead twin."

"You have no idea."

"Were things at least better after that?"

"I went home but once I was home they were pretty good, Puddin and I cuddled most of the night and ate leftovers Mom sent me with. It's hard being around them on my birthday."

"That's understandable. So have you been thinking about Isaac?"

"A little but I don't want to think too much and start feeling guilty again because then I'll want to call him and I've already called and hung up six times since Saturday."

"I told you not to call him."

"I know I just- Oh my god."

"What is it?"

"We have to go, like right now, immediately."

"Y/N, what's going on?"

"He's here."


"Isaac ya dummy! I can't see him, I'm not ready to see him yet."

"Relax he probably doesn't even know you're here."

"He's a freaking werewolf Lau, he could probably smell me the second he walked in the door. Hurry up let's get the check and go!"

Chris and Isaac walked quietly into the restaurant not saying much to each other as they were seated. Isaac had caught a whiff of Y/N's scent when they first walked in the door but it had dissipated quickly and he decided it was just his mind playing a trick on him. He had been experiencing it everywhere since he left, hearing her voice, catching her scent, seeing her walking down the street. It was like she was everywhere and nowhere, similar to what he experienced after the loss of Allison. Chris watched Isaac for a long time, just sitting across from him anxiously tapping his fingers on the table.

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" Isaac was startled out of his mind, his eyes focused back on Chris as he took a deep breath, shaking his head and hanging it low.

"I messed up."


"By missing Allison. By seeing her everywhere I went. By never moving on after she died."

"Is this why you're not staying in your house right now?"

"How did you know?"

"Even a werewolf can't hide a bad neck from sleeping on a couch and I know Y/N would never send you to the couch for more than a few hour." Isaac smiled at the thought of Y/N trying to kick him out of their room. It had only happened once, before they even bought the house. They were living in an apartment together and were arguing over something so silly he couldn't even remember. She had kicked him out of the bed but less than an hour later she was taking his hand and pulling him back into the room, mumbling 'sorry' s against his lips.

"Yeah, she can never stay mad at me. Or at least I thought she could never stay mad at me. It's been five days and I still haven't heard a thing from her. I know she's okay because she sends texts to Danny every day but, she hasn't spoken to me since Friday night after that stupid argument."

"What stupid argument?"

"It wasn't really an argument. It was more her getting upset and me being really confused about why until the other night when I was with Scott."

"I hate to say it but I always liked that kid."

"And hated me."

"I didn't hate you, I walked in on you trying to have sex with my daughter."

"Well she said I couldn't kiss her so that was the obvious alternative. It wouldn't have happened anyway, she was still in love with Scott and I was pinning after a girl who didn't feel the same. At the end of the day she didn't feel for me what I felt for her, and I have spent the last eight years convincing myself other wise."

"Isaac, don't be silly Allison really liked you."

"Not the way I liked her though, and that's fine. She loved Scott and she died loving Scott and knowing Scott loved her and she felt safe in his arms, I was just a placeholder for her and I've been letting my memories convince me otherwise."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm going to say goodbye to Allison, and finally move on in my life with Y/N, if she'll have me back."

"Well kid, I'm really happy for you. You can call me any time, just because you're saying goodbye to Allison doesn't mean you have to say goodbye to me too."

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