Is This Even Real? (Smut)

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Isaac and Y/N had been dating since high school and while they ended up going to different colleges they were just down the road from each other so it didn't strain them too much. The first two years they were required to live on campus but now entering their junior year the couple had decided to move in together. It had been an endless search for apartments and they had spent most of their spring semester looking for a place that worked for both of them. Finally, with only a few days left in the semester, they stumbled upon a for rent sign in the window of a complex not far from either school; they were quick to make an appointment to see it and even quicker to snatch it up. It was small, one bedroom, one bathroom, a small area for a couch and TV, and a kitchen just big enough for a table with a few chairs, it felt cozy and like the perfect first apartment for the couple. As soon as the semester ended they headed back to Beacon Hills to pack up the things they didn't take to college and tell their friends and (her) family the news.

Isaac didn't have much to pack, just a box or two of clothes that he kept at the McCall's house but Y/N had an entire room to pack up and when she was done the only thing that was left were the dust bunnies from under her bed. Her mom had been devastated to see her go but knew it's what she wanted and besides it was only an hour away if anything happened. They stayed that night at the McCall's house in the bed that Isaac and her had spent many nights talking and dreaming about living together and now it was finally happening. The next morning they left early and spend the day unloading the truck into their apartment, taking small breaks to soak in the reality of it all.

Isaac lugged the last box up the stairs and into their apartment. Closing the door with his foot, Isaac made his way into the bedroom and placed to box down beside the others. They had moved everything in and all the was left was the unpacking. They didn't have much and most of the things they did have belonged in the bedroom. Y/N stood in front of the closet hanging up their clothes as Isaac sat down on the mattress that lay on the floor.

"Is that the last of it?"

"Yup. I'm going to start putting the bed frame together in a minute I just need a rest. Those stairs are killer."

"Yeah I know right. And I only did a few trips. Thank you by the way for bringing all those boxes up here, I know most of it was my stuff." Isaac stood up and walked towards the closet, wrapping his arms around Y/N's waist and leaning over her shoulder to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Any time my dear. Actually I'm planning on doing it again when we move into a house some day." Y/N smiled and turned around, touching her finger to Isaac's nose.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, we are hardly moved in here and you're already moving us out?"

"I'm just planning for our future." Isaac walked away from his girlfriend and towards the pieces of wood meant to some how come together as a bed frame. He stared at them for a moment, trying to will them to put themselves together. "Babe, do we really need a bed frame? Can't we just keep the mattress on the floor?"

"Yes we need a bed frame, we lugged it all the way here and up the 5 flights of stair, we need a bed frame."

"What are you talking about we? I carried these pieces myself, which earned me a glance or two by the way, while you walked in front and directed me."

"Yeah, team work. Listen it's 4 pieces and the inside rungs to hold the mattress up. It can't be that hard. The head board is the big piece the one that goes at the end is the smallest piece and the other two go on the sides and the the unfinished looking ones go in the middle. You can do it." Isaac stared at the boards for a few moments longer before kneeling down on the floor, getting to work. Y/N hung up a few more shirts before walking away from the closet to help Isaac. Together they finished quickly, made their bed and laid down side by side.

Isaac Lahey ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz