All We Need Is A Signature

Start from the beginning

"I can't believe this is happening." Isaac rested his head back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling. This is the position he was in when Melissa stepped into the doorway.

"I told them not to let him tell you. He has the worlds worst bedside manor." The room was quiet for a moment longer, everyone trying to hold it in the best they could. No one wanted to believe that it was real that she was really gone. "Come on, I'll take you to her." Isaac stood up, everyone else stayed seated, deciding it was best for him to see her alone first.

The two of them walked silently together down the halls until they stood in front of a door. Melissa gave him a small smile before opening the door up for him. He stepped inside the dimly lit room and looked everywhere but the bed. He knew that if he looked at her in that moment he would lose his mind and he didn't want to do that in front of Melissa.

"Could you go please? I want to be alone with her for a few minutes. Please." She laid a hand on his arm before turning around and walking out the door.

With Melissa gone, Isaac closed the door and turned to his wife. She was lying completely still in the bed, nothing but her chest moving up and down in an artificial fashion. He looked at he tubes and the monitors and just as he suspected, he lost it. He began to cry and scream, he knew Scott could hear him from the waiting room, he even threw a plastic chair across the room. After he calmed down Isaac looked around the room again. This time he really looked, not to avoid looking at his wife but just to look at the room. There were a few large, comfortable looking chairs, a few smaller, less comfortable looking chairs and a couch that, built into the wall under a window the overlooked Beacon Hills. He sat in the large chair beside her bed and after staring at it for a moment he took her hand in his, running his thumb over the skin, it felt warm and he imagined all the other times he had held her warm hand in his own. He spent some time alone with her before calling Scott again and telling him that everyone was welcome to come see her and soon enough the room was filled with the people closest to them. Everyone filed in, taking seats around the room, getting comfortable. It was silent, no one wanted to be the first to speak. Isaac was the first one to break the silence of the room.

"How can I do this? I don't even think I remember how to breath without her." His voice was small and broken. "She didn't even want to be out of the house tonight but I was insistent on going on that stupid party. She didn't want to go, her feet hurt and she was in a bad mood, she just wanted to stay home and we had a fight in the car right before the accident. It was so stupid, she just wanted to stay home and cuddle and I wouldn't let her and now she's going to die and it's all my fault." Scott stood up and walk up to Isaac, patting him on the back as a sign or reassurance.

"This isn't your fault, you didn't know this was going to happen. All you wanted to do was surprise her, you wanted to do something that would have made her happy. This isn't your fault, it was the other driver that hit you guys. It's their fault." Stiles then piped up from his spot In a plastic chair.

"Yeah and when they get convicted they'll be doing time for vehicular manslaughter at best. There is nothing you could have done to prevent this, unless you have super secret powers that let you see into the future in which case you've been holding out on us." The statement caused a light smile to pass across everyone's face, even Isaac, for a moment before the room was enveloped in silence once again. Stiles, once again spoke up. "I have an idea, I remember something my dad and I used to do when my mom was close to dying, when she slept most of the time. We would sit by her bed and tell each other stories about her, memories we had with her, in the moment if felt like it eased our pain, even if it was just a little. Maybe that would be something to try, even if it only eases a little bit of the pain." The room was once again cloaked in silence but only for a moment. Lydia stood up and moved into a comfortable chair on the other side of Y/N's bed.

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