"Kiss me" he said desperately

"Please, let me show you that I honestly like you"

Forgetting that everyone was there he stopped and looked me in the eyes. god his eyes are so gorgeous, wait stop I can't say that. but he's soo hot. no Stop Hazel, no. without thinking I leaned in again and kissed him.

God this feels so right, yet so wrong. his lips are so soft and plump I could just kiss him forever.

We parted from the kiss just to breath.

He smiled at me in the cutest way. and I frowned and realized what I just did.


"What" he said

"No, no I have to go."

"Hazel" he said trying to reach for my arm

"Don't touch me."

"Don't talk to me"

"Don't even look at me. ever!" I said

" Wait we have to talk about what just happened"

"What just happened was we kissed. it was a mistake. I only kissed you because people were looking" I said

"Oh please, I know you felt something."

"No I didn't feel anything" I said wiping my lips

"The kiss ment nothing to me" I said

" I'm so sorry" he said in a whisper

"What so you think that "sorry" is going to fix all the pain in my heart. well breaking news it's not. it never will! all the times you hit me and called me names. you think that I didn't mind it because I never showed you my feelings. every night since then I've cried myself to sleep thinking why am I alive. all of the meds I'm taking, everything is because of you and Cam!" I said crying

Nash came towards me and warped his arms around me.

I would push him off but frankly I've wasted all my strength on him.

"I'm sorry" he said crying too

I just stood there in his arms. in the middle of the hall way. by our selfs. crying.

"Will you ever forgive me?" he said

I let out a sigh that I didn't know I was holding.

"I.. don't know"

"I'll prove it to you. I will"

I hugged him tight.

"What was that for" he said

"Thank you"


"For trying to be nicer to me."

"Don't thank me" he said to me while still hugging

"Your a really good hugger" I said

"Haha thanks" he said and kissed the top of my head.

"We still aren't friends, you know that right?"

"Yea, I'm going to try my hardest to gain your friendship" she said

I can't believe we are still hugging. I bit my bottom lip and blushed when he said that.

"Ok I'm pretty sure we are too late to our first class" he said


"Do you wanna just admire the school walls"

"Haha sure"


The rest if the day went well.

We had lunch together and since we have the same classes together we sat by each other in each class.

"Nash what about Cameron"

"I told him I liked you and that if he was to lay a hand on you one more time I would kick the shit out of him. and...... he told me to tell you if you would meet him at the park after school......"

"Ohh umm ok"

"You don't have to go"

"No I want to"

"You do?" he said in disbelief

"Yea you will come with me but he won't know because you'll be far away in a bush or something"

"Oh ok, yea I was thinking the same thing" he said with a goofy smile


We laughed

Im sorry (nash grier and cameron dallas)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat