"Plus ever since Bianca joined the hunt, he's been very...dark." I said while he nodded "I agree. I see your point Percy." he said as I nodded "They'll be fine. That Titan won't stand a chance." "Do I need to contact Lady Artemis?" "Already did it, she should already be here." I said as he raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

"I'll go grab Tyler and brief him on his new assignment."


After searching around camp, I found Tyler sitting at the campfire from last night along with Thalia, Annabeth, and Grover. "Tyler!" I shouted getting their attention "Hey Kelp Head." Thalia said while Tyler mocked glared at her "I thought I was Kelp Head?" "You both look the same so why bother," she said shrugging her shoulders.

"I'll make it easier for you. He's Kelp Head 1 and you're Kelp Head 2." "Why am I two?" he demanded "Because I'm the oldest." I said earning a glare from him. "Got a job for you." I said as they all stood up "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go." Tyler said but I stopped them.

"This is for Tyler and Thalia." "Surely they could come with us, right?" Thalia said but I shook my head "Not this one. Any other yes, but not this time." I said as Annabeth opened her mouth to speak but Tyler stopped her.

"Annabeth," he said as she looked at him "It's nothing big, we'll be fine." he said reassuringly as she nodded.

As we walked towards the big house, Tyler asked me what job they were doing. "Nico needs help in the Underworld, he'll fill you in on the details. There's a likely chance a Titan will be there." I said while they both stared at me in shock.

"A Titan?" Thalia said, like she couldn't believe what I was saying.

"Yes, I want you three to take care of it." "But Percy," Tyler said looking at me "Can't you take care of it?" he said as I nodded "I could. But you need to know what it feels like fighting a Titan. There are still nine Titans left, it will most likely be a major Titan." I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"You can do it, I know you can." I said smiling at him as Thalia opened the door to show Nico and Chiron talking.

"You're here," Nico said hugging Thalia and Tyler, then me. "Fill them in on the details, I'll shadow travel you there." I said as he shook his head "I can do it." he said as I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

"Good luck, you three." I said as shadows swallowed them "They'll be fine." Chiron said reassuringly while I nodded, still staring at the spot they were at till I turned towards him.

"Have you seen Zoe and Cyrstal?"


"Can I speak with you?" I heard as I turned around and saw Crystal looking at me "Why?" I questioned suspiciously, for all I know she could try to kill me. "I just want to speak with you about some things." She said shrugging her shoulders, signaling it was nothing important but with the way she kept fidgeting with her fingers and not making eye contact with me signals it was something of importance.

"Sure." I said as she nodded and gestured toward the beach "Want to talk there?" she said as I nodded and walked beside her towards the beach.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I said looking at her "Percy." she said after a brief moment silence "What about him?" I said, knowing why she wanted to talk to me. "I know some...problems have erupted between you and me ever since I came to camp and I know what you're thinking," she said sitting down in the sand "Yes, I did and still do love Percy, but I know he loves you more than he does me." she said as my eyes widened.

"What-" "Please don't play dumb with me, I know you're in love with him. Everyone in camp are either suspicious or know." she said as her shoulders suddenly slumped "Did Percy ever tell you about me?" she questioned as I nodded and sat down beside her. "Not a lot, but he did say some things here and there." I said looking back towards the sea.

Percy Jackson Champion of the PrimordialsWhere stories live. Discover now