"What are we gonna do?"

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My Queen Emma🦋
Hey Mish, I'm going back to Jared's house, we talked and it's okay now.
Baby in a Trench Coat🕊
Are you sure, you seemed pretty upset?
My Queen Emma🦋
Yes, thanks for your concern, but I'm sure
Baby in a Trench Coat🕊
Okay, I'll see you later then
My Queen Emma🦋
Bye bye

It was a week after I moved back in with Jared. I took the pregnancy test and it was positive. I went to the doctor to be sure today and that's where I am now. "Congratulations miss, you're pregnant" she said. I didn't know if I should be happy or not. The relationship with me and Jared is back on track, but we've only been dating for five months. He hasn't even met my parents or me his. "You alright miss?" The woman asked me. "I-I don't know" I answered her.

(A few hours later, back at Jared's house)

"Hey honey, I made dinner for the both of us" Jared said as he knocked on the open bedroom door. "Oh, thank you. I'll be there in a second" I said.

I felt awkward when around Jared. I was hiding something from him and it was eating me up inside. "You okay honey? You've been acting weird since this afternoon" Jared said when he walked by the table. "Yeah I'm fine" I said, surprised with how convincing it sound. "Okay then. You want wine?" He said when almost pouring it into my glass already. "No, no, no" I almost hit the bottle out of his hand, "sorry." I looked down ashamed and started crying. My emotions were all over the place the past few days, probably hormones. He kneeled down beside me, grabbed my hand and cupped my cheek with the other, "What's wrong honey?" "I- I'm so sorry. I didn't want it to happen like that. It's too soon, we can't do this now. You haven't even met my parents. Oh god what are they gonna say. They probably think I'm a slut" I rambled. "What are you sorry for?" He asked, still keeping his sweet tone. "I-I'm pregnant" I whispered. "Okay, what do you wanna do?" He asked.

"That's the thing, I don't know. I'm not ready to have a kid, but I want one so badly."

"I'll be with you every step of the way, no matter what you decide."

"I first want to go to the doctor, to see my baby, you can come if you want?"

"I'll come with you."

"Okay, that's settled. Depends on how I feel tomorrow, I'll decide if I keep it or not."


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