Round 3: Results

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The second round of voting has come and gone, and the results have been counted!

Each vote was worth ONE point.

If you see that we have made any mistakes please let us know via PM. Also, a reminder that everyone who did not hand in thier entry without a reason as to why (through PM), was docked 5 points from their total.

*=Judges pick (5 extra points are added to the total).



Emma Frey: 45

*Castiel Holmes-Wintson: 41

Evelyn 'Eve' Walker: 52

*Dean Novak: 30



Leonie Fairchild: 29

Alice Halls: 37



Rahel Evans: 42

Daniella Harmus: 41

Alexis 'Lexi' Dayton: 57



Amaris Rendall: 44

Sif Radcliffe: 51


The judges picks were awarded to Castiel and Dean for their creative entry.

Students expelled from Hogwarts:

Leonie Fairchild

Dean Novak

Alice Halls

Students who transferred:

Charlotte 'Lottie' Ravenclaw

Thank you all for participating and we hope to see you guys in our up and coming contests! It was a pleasure to have you in our competition!

Thank you for voting and round 4 will be posted shortly.

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