~Secrets revealed~

Start from the beginning

"But then she had me but she is very weak and father had to go back to Japan. So I was basically raised in France. But as time went by my mothers company began to become in a huge debt. And so to save the company, my grandmother made a deal. She said that if I went to Japan with her, she would arrange for all the debts to be payed and that they would live a happy life. But the condition was that my mother wasn't allowed to visit me." I ended.

Yuki's face was of complete shock.

"How could she... How could she tear a family apart. She has no right to put anyone through that." Yuki muttered as she hugged her knees to her chest.

"It's okay Yuki. It happened. Everything's okay. " I sooth as I try to reassure her.

"What do you mean everything okay?!?!? Your mother is on the other side of the world with no contact with you whatsoever! How is that okay?" she shouts with teary eyes.

"Well. I'd rather have her safe than on the streets starving to death." I said with a serious look.

She went quiet after that remark.

"Well, at least you know that your mother's alive. Mine isn't here anymore. She's gone." she muttered as she stared at the ground.

"What happened?"

"She died when our house was being robbed and father wasn't home to protect us. I was six. After she... Left, nothing was the same. Father didn't smile anymore. He molded me into a martial arts expert. Just so I can run the dojo later on. He wants to be the best of the best." she explained, her melodic voice cracking at times.

"But, you're a wonderful musician. Why not go into the music industry?" I suggested.

"Father would never allow it. I need to be strong. I need to." she says with determination.

"But you don't want to. Do you?"

"No..." she mumbled.

"Then why do you do it?"

"... So I can see my father smile..."

A comfortable silence ensued after that.

"Oooh! Yuki! Do you know how to waltz?"I ask with excitement as if I were a puppy.

"No... Why?" she asks tilting her head in a cute way.

"Well the host club's having a dance soon so everyone has to know how to waltz!" I say.

"Sorry Tamaki. I can't."She declined as she hugged her legs again.

"Why not?"

"I just don't like dancing..."

"Have you tried?"

"Yeah... But that was a long time ago!"

"Well, I could teach you. You never know. You might like it." I say offering my hand to pull her up.

"Fine... So how do I do this?" she asks genuinely clueless.

"Do you want to be the guy or the girl?"

"I'll be the girl. It'd be kinda awkward if you were the girl. You're taller than me." she says putting her hand across the top of her head measuring her height against mine. She was as tall as my shoulder.

"Ok. So first you need to place your left arm on my shoulder and hold my hand with the other. And I'll place my hand on your waist." I instruct.


"Like this." I say as I placed her hand on my shoulder, my hand on her waist and grabbed her free hand.

"Eeep!" she squealed as she blushed a few shades of red. It was so cute.

"Now, step back with your left foot then your right foot then step forward with your left..." I say as she slowly follows my instructions.

Soon we were dancing at a quicker pace.

"See? It's not so bad is it?"

Suddenly the warmth of her hand disappeared from my shoulder and reappeared around my torso.

"Arigato Tamaki...for listening to me..." she mumbled into my shirt.

"No problem." I say with a soft smile and a slight blush.

After a few seconds of comfortable silence we let go and and my earlier idea struck my mind.

"Oooh! Guess what yuki?" I said with enthusiasm.

"Nani?" she asked.

"We have a plan to bring two people together at the dance! Do you wanna help?"

"Uh... Sure... I guess." she agreed hesitantly.

"Great! Goodness it's late! We should get going."

"Yeah..." she says with a smile that could brighten up the whole room.

I turned away to hide my rising blush and walked towards the door.

I like her.

I really like her.



I finally wrote it!



Next chappie is the dance!!! IMMA über excited!


I'm a slow updaterer...

But I'll try :)

Vote, comment, fan!!!

Ja ne!

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