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Two years later

Lily, now graduated from Hogwarts is completely over Aiden. Sadly they haven't dated again, but are very close now like before. She has dated a couple of guys but not Lysander. Lysander still hasn't got the courage to ask her out.

James is now the father of  Elliot Frank Potter, godson to Albus Potter and Lily Potter ii. James had proposed to Alice a little while after baby Eli's birth and now they live together in an apartment in Diagon Alley. He currently plays Quidditch for Puddlemore United making his mom and dad very proud of him (especially his mom).

Albus, still going strong with Scorpius is currently working as an Auror under his dad and so is Scorpius. They now live together in a cute little house in South London. Their parents have taken the news of them being gay and dating each other well. Especially Ginny who couldn't stop squealing.

Lucy, now better, was still dating Sean. She has graduated from Hogwarts with an O in every subject and plans on being a Potioneer.

Molly, currently working for M.o.M couldn't care less about her family or it seemed so.

Roxanne, now graduated, is currently dating Paris.

Dominique is growing more popular day by day in the Muggle world.

Teddy and Victoire are going strong as ever, especially with their kids Nymphadora Dominique and Remus William, each born a year apart.

Rose, still dating Frank, is currently teaching DADA at Beauxbaton due to her brains (thanks to her mom for it). 

Hugo is still single and eating Pringles.

Frank is with the love of his life and also in the Auror Department under his Godfather Harry.

Amelia, now reunited with her best friend, is dating Lorcan.

Lysander is still scared to make a move on Lily but little does he know that Lily fancies him too...

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