Chapter 6

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Rayne's POV

For the rest of the day at school after gym with Liam, my body was restless. The sparks tingled through my body, never ending so I was distracted in all of my classes. My cheeks redden from remembering the sexy scene between Liam and I in the locker room. Who knew the place I get beat up the most would be the place of one of the best memories I have with Liam? I for sure didn't. I sigh while looking at my phone to check the time. It's 3pm and I still have three hours until Liam comes to pick me up. I'm honestly very nervous about the big date he has planned I know its special because of all the trouble he went to, to actually ASK me on this date.

Plus I've always wanted to go out on a date with Liam... ever since 9th grade. And now that its happening.. oh god! I take a deep breath, I just want it to be perfect.. for both Liam and me. A knock on my door pulls me out of my thoughts. I sit up on my bed before yelling, "COME IN!!" My dad Mark peeks his head through before opening the door fully and stepping in. He smiles at me, "Hello Son! How was you're day?" I cant help the grin that makes it way on my face, "It was really good Dad."

Mark's eyes glint mischiviously before he sits down on the end of my bed, "Spill the juice now!" I laugh at his eagerness before answering, "You and you're childish antics. Anyways, Liam asked me out on a date today in school... Oh my god! It was so cute!" Mark grins and claps his hands together, "Give me more details!!!" I roll my eyes at him, sometimes he could act like a complete girl. I blush before answering, "Well first I found a rose in my car on the passenger seat from him and then at school he put roses on my locker, with rose petals and glitter all around it. And then in science he sang to me in front of the whole class and then he asked me to go on a date with him."

I couldn't help smiling at my Dad. He was grinning like an idiot, "That's really sweet!!! What song did he sing?" I answer, "He sang Grenade but he changed the lyrics to fit our relationship... and he's an amazing singer!" He sighs, "Young love! It's so adorable! Do you know where he's taking you?" I shake my head, "Nope... I have no idea. I believe he wants it to be a surprise." Mark giggles, "That's so cute! Wait... When is he picking you up?" I answer while looking at my phone, "He's picking me up at 6." He gasps, "You only have about three hours to get ready!!! Were you waiting for the last minute?"

I laugh at him, "Three hours is plenty of time for me to get ready. I would be all done with in thirty minutes Dad." Mark shakes his head at me, "This is you're FIRST date! You have to look perfect.. Greg would agree with me!!!" As if on cue Greg walks into my bedroom with his eyes on Mark, "What would I agree with?" I watch as Mark's eyes glow from the sound of his voice and how the aura around him becomes bright and happy. Mark turns around and throws himself into Greg's arms, "You will never guess! Our little Rayne Cloud has his first date tonight with Liam!!!!!"

Greg grins at me, "Way to go Son! I like that boy." Mark giggles, "I do too. He's very protective of you." I roll my eyes at them but my smile gives my annoyance away, "I'm glad you guys like him. If you both didn't then I wouldn't date him." Greg's eyebrows come together, "Are you serious?" I nod, "Yes... I care about you're judgement." Mark smiles at me and runs over to me to hug me tightly, "You're the best kid we could ask for." My famous blush spreads over my cheeks, "Thanks Dad... So would you like to help me pick my outfit?" Mark jumps up while clapping his hands together before running to my closet to start looking for the perfect outfit, and I see Greg staring at him with love in his eyes and a smile on his face.


Liam's POV

I feel like a complete idiot! I let my wolf take over... But man it was worth it. Watching Rayne cum was probably the most sexiest things I have ever seen, and don't even get me started on how he tastes. The date I had planned is going to go great! I know I just met him and all but I need to tell him I'm a wolf or else he might think I'm going crazy. Hell! He probably already thinks I'm a freak because my eyes shifted color earlier. Well, he dosnt think im a freak. I would know that because I can read thoughts just like Alpha Calla.

Alpha Calla and Jasper helped me with my telepathic abilities. They said that It was amazing that I developed that gift. I used to not agree because people got mad at me for reading their thoughts but now its a benefit for me because I can read my beautiful boy's mind when ever I want too.

Jasper broke my train of thought, "So man, what do you have planned for Rayne tonight?" I groan, he is such a nosey person. I answer, "Its private Jasp, but its honestly going to be special." He raises an eye brow while smirking, "Hmmm as special as it got in the locker room today?" My cheeks reddened and my anger spiked, "Stay out of my fucking head Jasper! I don't need you or anyone else picking through my memories!!!! Espeically about my mate!" Jasper put up his hands in surrender, "I'm sorry bro. I just couldn't help but being curious... You are covered in that boys scent... I've also heard from others that his scent is mouth watering." I growl and he winks before turning on his heel and sauntering out of my room and closing the door.

Fuck! That guy really knew how to push a guys buttons! My wolf growled. We don't like anyone speaking out our mate like that... He is ours! And will only be ours.... But I cant focus on that now, Rayne is my main focus for the night. I smirk evilly, That boy isn't going to know what hit him. Rayne will absolutely love this night.

Rayne's POV

I groan, "DAD! My hair looks fine for the one-millionth time!" Mark rolls his eyes before continuing to straighten my hair. I sigh. Mark has been doing my hair for over a half an hour! And all he's done is straighten the shit out of it, and trust me its as straight as a board but he keeps seeing 'bumps' but those bumps are my ears! Other then my hair I have to admit I look really good. Mark dressed me in tight black skinny jeans, a black button down shirt with no sleeves, and black combat boots of course with a silk black tie. So basically he made me look like I would be starring in Magic Mike... which was a very delicious movie.

Mark steps back and looks me up and down, "RAYNE YOU LOOK GORGEUS!!!" he screams. Mark hugs me very tightly while shedding a few tears. I hug him back for a couple minutes before asking for help, "Greg!!! A little help in here!" Greg steps into the room shortly after and seeing Mark attached to me and he simply laughs, "Sorry kiddo... You're on your own!" I roll my eyes berfor muttering, "Traitor..." All of the sudden the door bell rings and Mark jumps off of me before looking me over quickly, "Apply some more eyeliner under you're eyes and a tiny bit of blush while I stall your boy toy!"

Before I could say anything he dashed down the stairs. I roll my eyes while looking at my father Greg, "How do you deal with him?" He simply laughs before shaking his head and following after Greg. I turn towards my vanity, applying eyeliner under my eyes making my blue eyes pop and dabbing a little bit of blush on my cheek bones. Now for the finishing touches! I grab my fav axe and I spray some over my body in an X formation, and then I grab my wallet that is filled with money that I might need. Before I exit the door I take a few calming breaths... Liam is waiting for me down there and im practically hyprovenalating... Yup sounds about correct.

I exit my room while walking slowly to the stairs. I look down to see Liam standing by the railing with a big grin on his face... I literally gasp at how beautiful he looks. Liam is wearing an outfit similar to mine except everything he was wearing was a darker black then mine. Mark smiles at me before shooting me a thumbs up and Greg simply grins from his behavior. I slowly descend down the stairs and its as if everything was slowed down and it was only Liam and I in this room... And everything was romantic and prom-night like.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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