Chapter 2

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Rayne's POV

I couldn't help but feeling like I was the luckiest gay boy on the Earth. I stare up at my ceiling just smiling like an idiot thinking about how Liam's lips were so soft on mine. The way he looked at me made me feel like I was important to him, like he actually wanted me. Today was the day that my dreams had finally come true.. Liam Porter likes me and I like him. I honestly never would have guessed that he would actually like me or feel something for me. I'm just the gay kid at school... Sure there are other gays at my school but the jocks seem to leave them alone and only pick on me.

Why would they only focus on one gay kid??? I have no idea but ive lived through it this long so I guess I can deal with it for the rest of the year. Its October 15th so I have about... 7 months left for senior year. I could last that long and since I will have Liam by my side it wont be so bad.

My phone goes off next to me on my bed. I look over at it to see I have a message from Liam. I blush while opening it to read it.

                      'Hello Gorgeous, How are you?'

I giggle from his compliment. I begin typing to answer him back.

                     'Hey Liam... You know you don't have to call me gorgeous? Also, I'm fine thanks haha'

I receive his reply seconds later, 'Rayne you are the most gorgeous man I have ever laid eyes on. I will call you gorgeous when ever I want because its very true.'

The blush that crept over my cheeks was a bright red. I texted him back, 'Liam! Your making me blush... Stop it!!! But thank you, that's very sweet of you Liam.'

The next text came right on time, 'I like making you blush, Its honestly very adorable on you! Also, its my pleasure Rayne, you deserve all of the kindness in the world.'

I didn't have time to reply because another text from him popped up on my screen, 'Can I pick you up for school tomorrow??'

Liam wants to pick me up for school?!?!? HOLY SHIT! People would probably think he's a gay boy too... Well he kind of is but I don't want his rep to be destroyed because of me. Instead of answering him I ignored his text. I don't want to hurt his feelings and I don't want to hurt his reputation at school. Gosh... I have no idea about what I'm going to do. I look over at my side table clock before sighing. Its 11pm. If I want to get up tomorrow then I need to sleep. I close my eyes letting the darkness take over, sending me into the wonderful world of sleep.

Liam's POV

Jace swung at me, I duck and dodge his next body blow. He huffs in frustration, I smirk at him before swinging a right hook at his abdomen. My fist hits him and he grunts from the impact. The whistle blows and Jace stares at me with a smile on his face, "Good job Liam! You are getting better and better every day." I grin before thanking him, "Thanks Jace. I've been trying hard. So how is Jean doing?" Jace's eyes light up from her name, "Jean is doing great, The pack doctor said that her pregnancy is going perfectly and that nothing is wrong with our baby." I smile real wide before answering him, "That's great Jace. I'm very happy for you!" He smiles and then frowns, "Why are you suddenly so interested in my mate?" I put up my hands showing I mean no harm, "Nothing big... trust me I don't like Jean like that, she's a good friend to me." Jace nods but doesn't give up on finding out what's up, "What's been doing on at school?"

I couldn't help but think about Rayne and how we ran into each other earlier today. A blush appeared on my cheeks and Jace grinned, "Who is she?" I gulped... it wasn't a she, I was very sure of that. I know the pack wouldn't care that I was gay, its just that I don't exactly want people to know yet. Plus I want to ask Alpha Calla about what to do with Rayne since he's human. I pull out of my thoughts before smiling at him, "My mate is perfect." I didn't want to refer to my mate as he so I settled for that. Jace laughed, "I'm happy for you kid. What's her name?" Rayne can be a girls name if It was spelled differently but I can tell him, "Rayne.." He nods, "That's pretty cool... I've got to get going, I got pack patrol tonight, ill see you tomorrow night for more training. Get some sleep!" I wave to him as he runs off out of the training center and out into the dark night.

Rayne has been in my mind all day... I don't know why he didn't answer my last text to him but I suspect that he doesn't want a ride from me because he doesn't want people to start 'talking'. But I could honestly care less about what people think of me, and I told him that but he's to sweet to think about that. He wants best for me and I understand because I want best for him.

My thoughts were interrupted by Alpha Calla. She was standing in front of me with her eyebrows raised and a knowing smile of her face. I coughed and looked away from her over powering green eyes, "Hello Alpha." She laughed, "Hey Liam... Anything you want to talk about?" Wow... way to cut to the chase. I sigh before answering, "No Alpha." Alpha Calla growls and I submit right then and there. I stutter as quickly as I can, "I found my mate and his name is Rayne. He beautiful and perfect but he's a human." I look back at Alpha Calla to see her nodding, "I'm glad you have found your mate Liam, just never try to lie to me again." I nod bowing my head to her, "I'm sorry Alpha." Calla laughs at pats my head and I smile after lifting it. She frowns at me, "Have you told him about us yet?" I shake my head, "Nope and I don't plan to for a while... I just found out he is my mate today."

Calla agrees, "That's probably good, To wait and tell him. Does he know he's gay?" I laugh while nodding my head, "Yes, he's openly gay at school." She smiles, "That's good. How is his school life?" I sigh putting my hand through my hair, "He gets bullied a lot for being gay, and so far I only know he has one friend. But other then that he's successful, teachers love him. He does band, he sings, and gets high honors." Calla frowns, "The bullied part isn't good, but the rest sounds good. Rayne will be good for you and the pack." I cant help but smile at her compliment, "Thank you Alpha." She smiles back at me, "You can invite him over to a pack dinner if you want sometime." She looks at her watch and frowns, "Sorry Liam but I've gotta go Harmony said she wants me back by 12pm. Bye!" I wave to her as she runs off.

I feel weight being lifted off of my chest. I'm so happy that Calla knows and has helped me. I honestly love our Alpha, she's so helpful, understanding and nice, and the Luna is amazing too! I smile as I walk out of the training center and into the woods. I shift forming into my black wolf. I begin running towards my house, not even breaking a sweat. The whole time I was running I was thinking about Rayne. My wolf adores him, He thinks our mate is perfect and amazing. He honestly cant wait to be with him, in every way. I arrive home and I see that my parents aren't home, they must be out running or on patrol with Jace. I barge in, running up the stairs and into my room. Automatically I check my phone to see if there are any texts from Rayne but there are none. My wolf whines. I sigh, I miss him too. At least I get to see him tomorrow at school.

My wolf decides to put in his thoughts, 'You better protect him from other people at school Jace or I will step forward and take care of things myself. My little Rayne has been hurt to much from the pain of being at school. Just because he's gay doesn't mean there's anything wrong with him... Just don't let him get hurt.' I roll my eyes at my wolf. Its our mate, and I would never let anyone hurt him, I will always be there for him now. I answer back, 'Don't worry Skull I wont let anything happen to OUR mate. I love him so much.' He howls in response and then he goes back to the back of my brain. I call him Skull because he is lethal and very scary when he's mad.

I sigh slipping into bed. I cant wait to see my mate tomorrow... My beautiful mate. I already love him and I've only known him for one day. I laugh, I know I would do anything for him no matter what. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm proud to call him mine. I close my eyes slipping into sleep thinking about my Rayne.


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