"Me," I said, backing away. I couldn't have gotten more than a few steps away when she clutched my arm and started tearing up.

"Jesse, don't call yourself a bad guy!" She cried, burying her face in my shoulder. I held her, trying my best not to tear up as well. "You're not a bad guy! Just because you had some problems in the past doesn't mean that you're a bad guy!"

"Marnie, even though I've told you a lot..." I trailed off, not being able to look at her anymore. "...You'll never be able to know everything. And neither can she. Because if she knew, there's no way she'd be able to accept me. And if I knew that she couldn't accept me, there's no point in going on anymore."

The thought itself frightened me. Jordan could never know. It would always be that way. Leaving Marnie behind, I started heading back toward the door of the cabin. Before I could turn the corner, a voice called out, "Jesse!"

"Hi Aimee," I said simply, facing the smiling girl. She wrapped her arms around mine and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Do you need something?"

"I can't just talk to you?" She giggled, looking up at me. I wanted to push her off, I wasn't in the mood right now. "I love talking to you, Jesse!"

I sighed, and Aimee didn't even notice. She was too busy holding on to me like I was going to run away if she let go, which I probably would do. A loud snapping sound came from behind me, making both Aimee and I turn our heads to see where it came from.

My eyes widened, but Aimee's narrowed. Jordan looked completely lost and confused. Was she spying on us?

"What are you doing here?" Aimee demanded, her grip on my arm tightening. Would I be able to push her off my arm? "Don't you have better things to do then to spy on us?"

"I wasn't spying!" Jordan defended, crossing her arms.

"Where's Dallas?" Aimee asked, and I tensed up right beside her. I knew what she was about to say wouldn't be good, so I braced myself. "Just go fuck him or something. We all know you want to."

Jordan's eyes widened and a look of disgust found it's way on my face. Not this again...

"Just like you did with Bruce?" Jordan's eyes narrowed.

Aimee glared, but smiled smugly soon after. "Yep. Just like I did with Bruce."

Jordan stepped forward, and I was worried about where this was going. I wasn't in the mood to stop a fight right now.

"Now, shoo," Aimee waved Jordan away. "Jesse and I have some important business together."

"He's not going to sleep with you," Jordan snapped, catching me off guard. She sounded like a jealous girlfriend, and I wasn't going to lie, I actually kind of enjoyed it. But it wasn't that much of a surprise. I like almost everything she does. "He's not that kind of guy."

I had to admit, it shocked me to hear her saying these things. I never thought I'd ever see Jordan arguing with some other girl about me.

"Well, that isn't up to you, now is it?" Aimee sneered, still glaring at Jordan. No, it was mine.

"Actually," Jordan started walking closer until she was right next to me. Her arm looped with mine and I stared at her in surprise. "It is. Because guess what, Aimee. I'm his girlfriend."

What was she doing?

"You are not," Aimee snapped, removing her arm from mine so she could face Jordan. "You two hate each other."

"Feelings change," Jordan shrugged, holding on to my arm even tighter. Now she really was acting like a jealous girlfriend.

"Not your guy's feelings," Aimee narrowed her eyes at us. "You both despise each other! You used to tell me how much you wished he would just disappear!"

She held on to me tighter, and I couldn't help but let myself think she was jealous. Chances are, it's to annoy Aimee. And by the looks of it, she she wasn't going to give up.

"Feelings change," Jordan said again.

"Prove it," Aimee demanded, crossing her arms. Why did she care so much? There wasn't anything great about me. She never showed any interest in me until now. "Kiss. Now."

"Listen, Aimee-" I started, ready to end this. Jordan wouldn't kiss me for revenge, she's not that dedicated. Before I could finish speaking, Jordan grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled my lips down to hers.

Jordan was kissing me. She was actually kissing me. Taking advantage of this moment, I started kissing her back. My arms wrapped around her waist as I pulled her closer. I wanted nothing more than to be closer. We pulled away far too quickly and Aimee face turned as red as her hair.

"Fine," Aimee snapped, turning away just to turn back a second later. "But just you wait, Jordan Emery, I'm going to steal your man just like I stole Lexi's. You know me well enough to know that I'm the type of girl who always gets what she wants, and what I want right now? Jesse Jacobsen."

Jordan glared right back at Aimee, stepping in front of me protectively. Where was my voice the whole time this was happening? "And you know me well enough to know that I'm the type of girl that doesn't lose."

Aimee scoffed and I saw this as a good time to leave. "We'll see about that."

Jordan turned around, noticing I was gone before she started walking away herself. Aimee called after me, which only made me start walking faster.

I couldn't stop thinking about Jordan. She kissed me. She kissed me.

Not only that, she kissed me first.

There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (Jesse's POV)Where stories live. Discover now