Chapter 23: Fear

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When Ayushi discussed this matter with her mother, Sweta said the exact reason of Pawan's odd behavior. Ayushi thought it to be childish for Pawan to behave as if she is infected with plague, so she thought to clear the air by talking to him the next day. And she did so, saying Pawan it is okay for him to touch her like he did earlier. Arjun who is sitting in the front seat of the car didn't understand a bit of what they are talking, so he took his textbook to study the upcoming portion of his syllabus.

Pawan thought Ayushi is joking when she said she is okay with his touch but the mothers explained to him that the girls take every touch differently at this time. Based on Ayushi's words, he wrapped up his mind to protect her even more fiercely from now on as she is sensitive on certain days of the month. And from there the easy comradeship between them has regained it's full force.

But that day had some surprises stored for the brother-sister duo. The boy who bullied Ayushi has gone and complained to the Principal saying Pawan threatened him for a physical threat when all he did is talk to Ayushi. The boy who knew Ayushi's condition, when he bullied her, through the videos he had watched hiding them from their parents thought Ayushi will not open her mouth exposing her vulnerability to the male Principal and so does Pawan who is seen away from Ayushi these days. He smirked when both of them entered the office room. When the Principal is in the process of awarding detention of seven working days to Pawan, Ayushi stepped forward and explained all what happened that day and it is now her time to smirk when the boy paled to the shade of a paper. The Principal did award the detention but to the boy who bullied Ayushi and came to him with a false complaint and also informed him to bring his parents when he is coming back to school from detention.

When they are out of ear shot, Ayushi smacked Pawan for not opening his mouth in front of the Principal. What he said after made her respect him more, he didn't want her to bow her head in shame in front of anyone till he lived and he promised her to protect her no matter what. Now she understood that talking about puberty in public especially when it comes to female gender is considered to be a sin. So she did what she knew best to make Pawan feel good, she hugged him and after a minute of pondering to hug her back or not, Pawan reciprocated the hug.

Pawan broke the hug with Radhika when doctor entered the waiting room saying Arjun has regained his consciousness and they can meet him after a while as he was being shifted to casual room from operation theatre. They thanked the doctor who left the place after murmering that he had done his duty.

After the doctor left the place, Radhika was fuming as she remembered the reason why they were all here. She knew Arjun has a life threat what with his profession and his sincerity to perform his duties with honesty. But she didn't the person who is behind all this and from the looks on the faces of her three brothers, she understood they know the person but not willing to share it with her. But now, it is time for her husband to get an ear full for driving the car without a seat belt. So she entered the room in a full force followed by Pawan, Vikas and Hitesh respectively. But when she saw Arjun her ire to scold him did evaporate to thin air? No, besides she is thinking of some expletives to fire at him for his negligence. When Arjun saw all of them, he smiled a small smile expecting the same in return but what he didn't expect the fear on their faces. But it cannot be for him because he is fine except for a few scratches here and there and a big bandage to his head. When he signed what's-the-matter with his eyes, all the three of them turned their eyes to Radhika who is fuming red that she saw red everywhere. She took her first plunge when Arjun turned to her with a same fear reflecting in his eyes that were present in the three guys' eyes earlier.

'What do you think of yourself?' screamed Radhika barely containing her anger.

The nurse who is allotted for Arjun didn't expect this screaming all of a sudden and threw the hand rub solution bottle on the floor as she was preparing her hands to insert another cannula to Arjun. The solution barely made contact with Hitesh who is standing a safe distance from Radhika but not safe distance from the nurse who jumped in her place and into his hands.

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