Chapter 9

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A/N: I have uploaded loads recently, you're as suprised as me.  But from now on I'm going to upload every Monday.  Just thought I should let you know.

This is a very small chapter sorry.  Thanks for reading.

"So now they're solving crimes together, isn't this cosy!" Tom was cheerfully bouncing around Ruby's room while she was trying to watch Supernatural. He was wringing his hand gleefully, grinning like a child and almost skipping.

"So?" Ruby was bored of her brother bursting into her room, uninvited, and talking about business; she just wanted a break.

"So it means they're getting close. Now it's going to hurt when we use her against him." Ruby rolled her eyes, but Tom didn't notice, he was too busy jumping with joy. She looked at her brother. Ruby could see he was handsome, she didn't like him or anything, they were siblings, but he was handsome. He had chiseled features, a nice smile and lovely green eyes, factors which pulled together to make him good looking; sadly he knew it and he was arrogant about it. But maybe, she thought, he could have been popular with the girls if they'd had normal lives and gone to school; and if he wasn't a psychopath. But they weren't normal, they hadn't been to school and Tom was definitely a psychopath, so Ruby didn't care to dwell on these thoughts.

"Well that's all lovely, but what's the actually plan?" Said Ruby, making it clear with her voice that she was bored of her brother. Tom stopped dead, like he hadn't really thought that far ahead.

"Um... I... Um..." he mumbled as he tried to think of something that could save his pride, "well she arrived so quickly that I, er... haven't had-"

"You haven't got a plan." Ruby finished the sentence for him.

"Yes," replied Tom, in a voice full of shame, "any ideas?" Ruby was taken aback, Tom had never asked her for help, ever. But she didn't let her shock get in the way of making her ideas known, Ruby put it simply:

"I think we should befriend her."

"What?" Tom laughed at her idea, but Ruby wasn't put off.

"We get close to her and use our 'friendship' to manipulate her, to make her turn against him."

"Intriguing." Tom walked over to his sister to listen more closely.

"She's alone in a new city," Ruby explained, "her mother's left her and she knows no one but her dad,  his friends and their kids, and I bet they bore her to death. I reckon she's feeling down. She's going to want someone like her to be a new friend, or," Ruby paused for dramatic effect, "boyfriend." She sat back, very satisfied with herself.

"Are you suggesting I-"

"Yes I am." Ruby interrupted her brother. Once she'd finished she leant back to watch his reaction. Tom's face showed he was a mix of disgusted, intrigued and excited by the idea. "What do you think about that?" Asked Ruby, after the news had had time to sink in. Tom sat down heavily in the armchair beside her bed and thought.

"I think it could work."

"Would you do it?" Ruby could hardly believe he'd given over so easily.

"That man ruined our family," Tom's tone had suddenly turned ice cold, "I will do anything to destroy him and everything he loves." There was a long pause.

"Ok then." Ruby smiled at her brother then turned her attention back to her computer screen, to watch Supernatural, "Bye." She waved her hands in a motion that showed she wanted her brother to leave. Tom reluctantly turned and stormed out, leaving the door open, knowing full well that would mean his sister would have to get up and close it.

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