Uhmmm Random Conversations?

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People keep scaring me these days! I honestly get scared everytime people are near me whenever I don't notice they are there.. So yea...  GUYS FIRST THE GIRLS! I DEDICATE THIS To BooksAreForever because I promised an update and never gave it to her until now! and thanks for the Charlie comment:P (sarcasm!) you have no idea how my friends reacted:PPPPP


Jazmin: What would you do if you woke up as a girl?

Charlie: Touch my a-s!

Mike: I would.. probably finger myself o,o

Alfredo: Uhmm idk? 

Carl: Carl is no longer appearing in this survey... 

Roberto: I would go up to a guy and then just start messing around with him

Jazmin: Best body part for a girl and why?

Charlie: A-s

Mike: Bo-bs. Br-asts. A-s. I am a guy what do you expect?

Alfredo: Bo-bs

Carl: Carl is no longer appearing in this survey

Roberto: A-s cuz it's firm!

Jazmin: Do you have an addiction?

Charlie: Video games. Duh.

Mike: No..

Alfredo: Food

Carl: Carl is no longer appearing in this survey

Roberto: Weed! Westside!

jazmin: Have you ever kissed a guy?

Charlie: Nope. Ew.

Mike: Uhmm no. Does my grandpa count? No... it was the cheek!

Alfredo: (Did not want to answer!:P) 

Carl: Carl is no longer appearing in this survey

Roberto: Yea. Whats it to you?(Gives me a macho face)

Jazmin:  Have you ever been in love?

Charlie: Yea (hurt look passes through his eyes! Poor Charlie!)

Mike: Uhmm yea, for like two months.

Alfredo: Eh. 

Carl: Carl is no logner appearing in this survey

Roberto: No. F--k that shit!

Jazmin: Do you still think about them? (love)

Charlie: No...

Mike: Well yea... I mean I still talk to her from time to time

Alfredo: Sometimes

Carl: Carl is no longer appearing in this survey

Roberto: Who the f--k would I think about? Your mom?

Jazmin: How do you avoid a girl that you see all the time?

Charlie: Dodge them

Mike: Be a douche and walk past them. Like just be a douche

Alfredo: Change my route

Carl: Carl is no longer appearing in this survey

Roberto: I kick her in the face and then she goes to the hospital. (smirks)

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2012 ⏰

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