On Pause

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So my story is now on pause and this just means that the plot won't progress any further until I decide to take it off pause. This doesn't mean the story is stopping, I'm just going over the chapters I've already published and maybe changing them. I want to fix a few things, I feel like Jack and the tiny got comfortable with each other too quickly at the beginning of the story. I might also add in more of a backstory for the tiny. (Slightly tempted to go for Celtic inspirations but not sure). I also feel like I need to establish more about how much exactly people know about tinys and maybe why they're so rare and what kind of impact their rarity has. (Would they be considered expansive pets? And show the status of the owner??) 

I also need to figure out how much the tinys know about people and their lifestyles.

So previous chapters will be updated and maybe new ones added in at the start, so stay tuned.

On a more personal note I start collage on the 21st so that's a thing. I'll be there Thursday's and Friday's from 9 to 4:45. I am a bit nervous about it, (mostly meeting new people and the fact that it's a while away) (well not really I just have to get two buses). So yeah that's all for now 💕

Updates and stuffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora