Chapter 4

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A/N: another super long chapter to make up for the wait! Sorry for said wait btw, i hit a plot block and had no ideas for the longest time but iTS BACK NOW





Earth to (y/n)...

Hhhhhhhnggghhh why is someone touching y-


"FOR FUCK'S SAKE, WHAT?!" you screeched, standing up suddenly and death-glaring Max, who was standing in front of you at the other side of the table.

"You're falling asleep again!" He yelled. You groaned and sat back down, letting your head fall into your arms. "S' not my fault."

Max rolled his eyes. "Whatever loser, but you need to wake the fuck up and get your shit together! You can't fall asleep when we try to bust out of this hell-hole tonight!"

You only groaned and let your head fall back into your arms on the table. You hadn't gotten any sleep last night, only managing to doze when the sky lightened and you weren't as scared for your fucking life. And of course David had decided to wake everyone up extra early to go on a special morning nature hike. So, needless to say, you were exhausted and in a terrible mood.

You felt a nudge on your arm and glanced at the source of the touch, meeting Tattletail's round blue eyes.

"Whaaaatt?" You growled, too tired and anxious to be really angry.

"Give me a treat." He said simply, for once not screaming it over and over. Guess he could tell you weren't in the mood to be yelled at after your restless night.

You sighed and used a spoon to feed Tattletail some of the mystery-shit the camp feeds you everyday.

Sadly the mess hall got cleaned up and pantry restocked since last night, so it was back to gross food. The large cabin-like building did still have some blackened areas and smelled faintly of smoke and ash but for the most part it was back to normal.

You yawned for the billionth time that morning and fought the urge to close your eyes. You knew that the second you did you would drift off.

You heard Max going off about his plans, Nikki and Neil sonetimes adding their own input. You tried to listen so you knew what to do later, but the words were fuzzy and meaningless and you barely registered your surrounding.

And you abruptly faceplanted on the table.

You were practically dead. If you had been concious enough to register your sense of hearing you would have noticed the gang stopping their planning to look at you and heard the short mechanical whir of Tattletail's eye movement to look at you too.

Finally Max sighed in annoyance and suggested, "Someone get Sleeping Not-Beauty back to their tent. We can explain to them later."

"I'm on it!"

You groaned as you felt someone's arms wrap under your armpits and around your torso and drag you off the table, then across the mess hall floor and eventually outside in the dirt. Somehow they got into your tent and dumped you onto your bed. You barely stirred, unconciously rolling into a more comfortable sleeping position.

Fast paced running footsteps left your tent and disapeared from your range of hearing, only to reappear a few moments later, and Tattletail was placed into your arms.

You cuddled up with the purple toy and you heard Nikki's say from somewhere in your tent, "Night, (y/n)!" Then you heard your tent being zipped up and muffled footsteps leaving back to the mess hall.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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(discontinued probably)(Camp Camp x Tattletail crossover(reader insert))Where stories live. Discover now