Two Parallel Paths

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We judge people by their deeds but we never care to explore their souls, and the reason behind their deeds.

There is no holy book where it is written, no saint can do a sin or no devil can turn into an angel.

Sometimes you make stories,

Sometimes they make you.

Sometimes you change words,

Sometimes they change you.

Vihaan was heartbroken because the girl who meant the world to him, suddenly vanished into a thin air. He had no idea where she was, living or dead. It's been 3 months and there was no trace of her.

Phone: switched off!

Facebook account: deactivated!

Instagram account: deleted!

Even his emails had no response.

She was inactive on SNS.

Her parents, relatives & friends, no one had any idea about her. Everyone was just worried but who badly shattered was-Vihaan!

Her parents knew her habit of disappearing whenever she got upset and felt discovering herself, but everytime she came in just one week or two but now she was taking too long.

While everyone was losing hope, that's the very time a poor soul was sinking in darkness.

Why wouldn't he?

Obviously, 'cause he was the reason why this time she vanished.

Vihaan was thinking that he is the reason behind all the mess. He is the reason why her parents lost their only child. He is the reason for losing his reason to smile.

He just wanted her to come back only for once.

Everyone needs at least one chance to explain and this one chance he badly wanted.

Nothing is hidden from us. We know everything. Every truth, every lie, every confusion, every misconceptions. We knew where she was.

But, alas! We wish, we could tell him.

When everyone was just drowning in the clouds of worries, there she was roaming place to place, country to country, state to state, city to city, village to village & street to street.

She was exploring every little corner of the world. From ocean to hill top, snowfall to scorching heat. She was finding just one thing. And that was PEACE!

That one missing part of her puzzled life which she lost years back. Those old wounds which she thought were healing, now got scratched badly. Her scars were hurting her. Afterall her wounds got fresh after such a long time.

When she thought she was coming back from darkness that's the very time she slipped into it all over again.

She was roaming like an aimless wanderer only to feel content. But alas! Poor girl couldn't find it anywhere.

Last night she flew from Las Vegas to Paris.

Aah! Paris!

There is just a different aura there. They say, there is always love in the air. You feel something magical.

And there at 8 in night, she was sitting in a beautiful church, 'Notre dame de Paris,' a place where at last she thought she could find her peace.

She was sitting on her knees, joining hands and praying, praying to calm down the tornado inside her heart.

"Your wish will surely grant my child," said the father in his typical French accent, who was noticing her for 4 straight hours.

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