Chapter 2

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Iris's POV

The wind is cold but I make no effort, to brace myself against the icy chill. My breathing is steady, my face calm and yet my body is twitching. It's dying to take the final leap. But I'm not sure I can. I turn back and look at my life. It's like my life is flashing before my eyes as I stare at the people I claim to love. The moments I have had with each of them, is something you can't just forget.

My friends, Nathan, Elena, Chloe, Charlie and Sullivan, people who have helped me at the worst of time. Friends, who I would never replace.

My lover, Sam. Who gave my life new meaning and purpose and saved me from the cruellest of men. He is my soul mate, but every moment right now is hurting him. I can't bear it.

And then there is her, holding a gun at them. A new villain in the fold.

I'm not afraid to jump. I'm not afraid to die. I'm afraid of what I'm going to leave behind. A dark memory of the person they once knew.

I turn away from, my feet hanging off the edge and then there is the fall. Everything falls silent, only the sound of their screams, the crashing waves and shot going off. My body hits the water, the water flooding into my lungs.


My eyes open and I sign, rolling over to the other side of the bed. I keep having the same nightmare each night, every night. It's probably the nerves for the days ahead or the party tomorrow. Or the situation? Oh, that's right, I haven't explained it to you yet. You have no context on what's going on. You don't know my story. Ok, you know the legend but you don't know me. Or how I'm stuck in here... sleeping next to... anyway, I will start at the beginning for you, from where my strange life of being normal got worse.

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