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The next night the whole house woke up to Bonnie screaming. Fredrick - instincts kicking in - threw off his covers, stumbled partially out the door while grabbing his pocket knife, and ran into Bonnie's room; ready to hurt whatever was trying to hurt Bonnie. Quickly though, he realized that it was a nightmare and his the knife before walking slowly over to the purplette who was sitting hunched over and breathing heavily.

"B-Bonnie? Are you okay?" Fredrick asked, not paying attention to his emotions and letting his instinct to help take over. Bonnie, trying to grasp the breath that had left him, nodded. "Nightmare?" Another nod. "Would you, would you like to talk about it?" He was having flashbacks to the few times he spent with Ballora when they were twelve and he was unconsciously drawing from them for help. "You don't have to if you don't-

"Fredrick?" Bonnie finally spoke, cutting him off.

"Yeah?" Fredrick furrowed his brow.

"Y-Yeah. I wanna talk about it. Maybe its time you know my past." Bonnie looked up, his red eyes shining unnaturally bright.

"Y-Your past? Y-You don't have to." Fredrick backed up a step.

"Fredrick, I do. Because what is happening to you, your mental shutdown, even though you can semi feel now, I went through something similar. Only I kept trying to kill myself." Bonnie grimaced at the memory of Foxy running to his bedroom and not coming out.

"What?" Fredrick shook his head. Bonnie was such a happy person. Why would he have wanted to kill himself?

"I know I'm happy now but that's because I know I'm safe." Bonnie chuckled. "I can read people remember? I know you're shocked. Most are when they learn I was suicidal." He sighed and patted the bed beside him. "Sit. This might take a little."

"Why are you telling me this?" Fredrick cautiously sat.

"Because you haven't been yourself these past few weeks. And this is my last try and helping you. Showing you that you aren't alone." Bonnie ran his fingers through his hair. "My mom was murdered when I was fourteen, I ironically, was the same age you were when your mom died. And I had thought it was suicide for the two years after it. Until Shadow went off on me after he and Foxy rescued me the first time." A small laugh escaped his lips. "I wasn't myself then but I did learn that mom was killed. And oddly, we're tied together with the guy who killed our mother because the man who killed my mother - according to Ennard who somehow went through police files - is, er, was your father. Much younger but still."

He paused for a moment, thinking. "You know, he couldn't have been much older than seventeen back then." He sighed. "But anyway, you know that me and my brothers were put in foster care and we moved around a few times. Me the least for some odd reason. I mean, who wants a fourteen year old kid who can't rely on himself and he's gay?" He let a small chuckle slip. "Eventually Shadow made us go to different homes and for the longest time, I hated him for it. But I got put in with this wonderful family. And I ended up falling for their oldest son Freddy who was about four years older than me. When he moved out I went with and everything was fine in the beginning.

"But it got bad after Freddy started drinking." Bonnie looked up at Fredrick, reliving painful memories. Fredrick, was struck silent, to afraid to speak because he wasn't sure if he did it would come out legible. Bonnie continued on. "I started getting beat and I was afraid to tell anybody because where would I go? I was broken, a teenager, I hated foster care, and I sure as hell wasn't a virgin. I mean, who would take me? That and I was depressed. But he started with threats and beatings if I did something majorly wrong like forget to do something that was necessary or I burned supper. Then it went to smaller things up until I was afraid to even have supper a second late and a tad over or under done.

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