They drove along the long empty road, Ari felt the hum of his newly replenished strength, even by grabbing the wheel, she could tell that Sideswipe was itching with energy.

" Can we at least go ten over...fifteen?" He asked in a pleading but playful voice.

The teen shook her head.

" Are you crazy? I have no desire to being pulled over again....anyways we only have a few more minutes...."

She heard Sideswipe sigh.

" Don't worry..." Ari added.

" He'll be fine...."

She hoped...


Sunstreaker felt the need to get up....

He tried to open his optics but...he felt....week....

He reached through his bond, he had to find his brother...

The yellow mech attempted to stand up from his place on the floor, but failed landing face down.

Stopping himself with his servos he lowered himself the rest of the way to the ground. He let out a painful grunt.

In desperation he used the remaining energy he had to call out his brother through their twin bond.

And that's when he lost all conscious thought.....


Sideswipe felt the week call of his twin pull at his spark.

" He's awake!" He announced. Sideswipe began increasing speed and ignoring all of Ari's protesting to slow down.

" Sides we-" the teen started, but was cut off.

" Ari, we need to be there now!! He just called out, and knowing his condition, if we don't get there now! He'll offline!" The mech shouted, his harsh but worried voice intensified the desperate need to get back.

Ari opened her mouth to argue, but decided not to. She crossed her arms and sat back, letting the Autobot take over.....

The teen looked out the window, and watched as the scenery flew by.

Ari sighed and leaned against her seat.

Why was she helping them?

Why did she even listen to Sideswipe?

She just met them....and yet....

A sudden halt broke her train of fault.

" We're back..." said Sideswipe, the worry in his voice was absolutely heart breaking.

" Can you open the door?"

Ari nodded, she hopped from her seat and left the car.

Running to the side door, she punched in the code and made her way inside as the main garage door opened.

Ari heard Sideswipe transform behind her, she gave a worried sigh.

The dark haired teen sped walked to her shop in the back where she kept Sunstreaker.

Walking up to the other side door, Ari punched in another code opening the large garage door that led to her shop/hanger.

Ari took in how large her building really was. It could easily fit a number of jets and automobiles....and with it being a perfect size for robots....she really began to wonder what this place used to be.

When the door was tall enough to slip though she dove in, not wanting to waste time.

What she saw caused her to gasp.

" SIDESWIPE!!!" the teen shouted, not having moved from her position.

Ari looked at the autobot in front of her.

He had moved from his position and was lying face down, his head turned to her, his mouth was open, as if he tried to call out....and his optics were fading into a black....leaving a almost empty lifeless socket.

That image was imprinted into her mind....

Ari shudder.


The teen heard the shuffling and desperate clicking of peds as the twin made his way.

" Oh Primus Sunny...." whispered Sideswipe when he saw Sunstreaker. Ari turned around to she the other twin gazing sadly at his brother.

The red mech held the energon cubes and walked over to his twin.

" Alright Sunny....time to wake you up....."

Keep The SunnySide Up! ( TF Gen1 Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now