Soul Mates

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Mangle's P.O.V~

Looking in the mirror above the sink, I fixed my 'eyepatch' thing over my eye. My friend Candy brough it for me last year, it was a pink rose with meatal leaves. I absolutly loved it. Making a few ajustments to my hair until I was happy with it I walked out of the bathroom and to the kitchen. I slung my bag over my shoulder and took my phone off charge. It buzzed in my hand, looking down I saw that Foxy was calling.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Vicky, I had to head to school early for trainning. You okay to walk to school?" he asked. Vicky was the nickname he gave me after I was adopted.

"Y-yeah, I'll b-be fine," I replied. Did I mention I had a stutter? Very annoying but it's getting better. He said goodbye then hung up. By that time I was halfway down the street eatting a cookie I grabbed from the cookie jar at home.

As I entered the schools gates I heard a loud gasp.

"MANGLE!" Candy called jumping on my back. I giggled turning around and giving her a hug. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"It's be-been t-to long," I agreed happily. Candy grabbed my hand as she rambled on about things and pulled me to our old secret spot we had for last year. Following Candy up the giant cherryblossom tree we sat down on the few wooden planks we nailed down onto the branches five years ago when we first met.

It seemed like only a few minutes before Candy's brother Cindy came by.

"Candy! Come on we have to go!" he called up to us. Candy sighed.

"Bye Mangle, see you in Chemistry," and with that she climbed down and ran off. Checking my phone I had another hour and a half till school starts. School starts an hour later on Monday so I have plently of time up my sleeve.

~30 Mins Later~

I looked down to the ground as the tree started to shake. I saw Fredrick, Nightmare and Springtrap at the truck of the tree.

"H-h-hey! Stop t-that!" I yelled at them.

"Or what? You'll cry?" Nightmare snickered while the others laughed. Just then another guy walked passed, he looked a lot like Freddy, only blonde. I leaned over the edge a little more to take a closer look at the guy. At the same time Fredrick must have climbed the tree and pushed me over as I felt two hands grab my shoulders.

"Woah!" I cried, brasing myself for hitting the ground.

Goldie's P.O.V

"Woah!" I heard Mangle cry. My head snapped to her, on instinct I pushed pass my older brother and his friends holding out my arms to hopfully catch her. Mustering up enough strenght I managed to not drop her as she fell in my arms with a small thud. I heard my brother snicker and walk off with his stupid jerk friends.

"A-are you okay?" I asked her. She nodded her head and looked up at me. I saw her cheeks heat up, and I'm sure mine did to.

"I'm ok-okay. T-thank you," she wispered putting her feet on the ground. She started to walk off before stoping and turning back around.

"I'm Mangle," she introduced herself, smiling. Even through I remember her from last year I still didn't say anything.

"Goldie," I smiled back.

"S-see you ar-around."

Bonnie's P.O.V

I sat on the bleachers watching Foxy train for basketball. He was really good at it too. I'd be lying if I say I didn't like him, more than the normal friendship. Too bad all he's not into guys. I sighed, completetly ingnoring the person taping my shoulder.

"Bonnie. Earth to Bonnie!" Foxy snapped his fingers infront of my face.

"Oh, hey Foxy," I said. He chuckled slighly wrapping his towel around his neck. I followed him to the boys locker room like usual.

As Foxy was talking about his next game he undressed and went into the showering cubical. After he was done he wrapped a towel around his waist leaving him topless. No matter how many times I see Foxy shirtless it still takes my breath away. I felt my cheeks burn up. He turned around from his locker and caught me staring. A slight red tint brushed his cheeks make me smile and look away.

Soul Mates | Fronnie & Mangle x G-Freddy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now