12;Maybe always, Maybe never

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He speaks in my voice, fluently english, and his eyes sparkle in the dawn of the darkness. I had the file in my lap, reading the project he gave me, it's called Crazy-Insane, it's a bit cliche, dark and deep, it had a flare, leading to darkness, I don't know why I'm confused, maybe because it's the first work that is stated as gloomy, by Edward.

My mind is going through circles and mazes and I'm honestly lost, i'm wearing a ripped dress at the hip, my hair is messy and stains of lipstick ruined my face, my eyes were bloodshot, i'm running and running and running and I couldn't let go of the file, he was standing there and all i wanted to do was hit him with it, hit him so hard, letting the agony of my emotions go.

He was standing there, at the end of the maze, clean and fresh, using his jaw as a knife, he looked so peaceful, waiting for an answer, i looked like a zombie, the torture behind this work was unworldly, somehow chaotic, i wanted to approach him but I couldn't.

The closer i got, the clearer the vision got, from afar, i only saw Edward, step by step, leading my feet ahead of me, it wasn't only Edward standing there, the same figure appeared again, confusion took over my mind as I couldn't take it anymore, who was that? Why is he appearing? What does he has to do with Edward? Why does he look exactly like Edward?

I flipped the pages of the file, as i reached the ending, the work overall is incredible, it's majestic, filled with fury and glory, agony, romance, darkness, everything that's...magical.

She decided to go for a walk, so she can refresh her thoughts and study the situation properly, she reached her favorite coffee shop, sat in the booth and replayed the movie all over again, it wasn't a movie she'd ever produce or direct, for it's confusing, it's weird, sort of unrealistic.

She thought how a trip changed her life, how a book changed her life, how a mysterious figure had her hooked.

He's a mystery that she wanted to solve, but she's scared of the journey ahead, she wanted to talk him, she was thinking of him, yet she couldn't.

He's hiding.
It's getting darker and he's out of breath, the ashes of his cigarette were his only support, until they fell down.
Then he heard someone between the darkness, a voice filled with fury and rage,
"Ready or not, here i come."

He did want it to come, he wasn't afraid anymore, he wanted her, but he didn't want him.

Him, the call is waiting and wolves are howling, i picked up the phone and decided to call, her.

"Where are you?"
"Why do you care?"
She never let go of that attitude, he rolled his eyes.
"Fine whatever," he hang up.

Sitting at the coffee shop, calmed my nerves, i really needed that, i planned things and thought of things, brainstormed and made a list of priorities, thought of that future and what it holds, thought of a touch that's still on my skin, thought of the other one.

Also, i thought if i should take his work on, or reject, i made my decision.

After i hang up on her, i went over to the black piano, played some chords, that weren't the right muse, music became tasteless to me, the only music i like, is her voice, her laughs, her screams, her attitude.

Then i peeped to check my email, my heart was pounding, it was her.

I balled my fists at what i read;

"Dear Edward McCain,
I've read your work, I've studied your work and fell in love with it, jumped from a universe to another with it, the agony empowered by darkness had me gone insane, the thing i noticed is that, it's a little bit different from your works, which is not a bad thing, but, call me psychic, this work would make us run in mazes and swim into the wrong oceans, don't get me wrong, your work is majestic, Crazy-Insane, is crazy and insane, no pun intended.
To get to the point, I don't think i can accept this work, maybe the universe doesn't want us to work together now, maybe later, maybe always, maybe never.
I beg your pardon, sincerely.
                                 With love,
                                  Mary Jane Khair.

My body tensed, my fists are balled my knuckles became white, they're about to pop out. Anger, Rage, confusion,ache, ripped through me.

How could she do this to me? After all this?

I wiped my tears as i sent the email, it was burning and aching but it's the right thing to do, if we worked together, it won't be good, for neither of us, he doesn't deserve this and I don't.

It's the doubt and the fear that's pushing me away, my feelings never betrayed me, and all the pictures are playing in front me show, a war.

A war i'd never want to step into, because i know i'd lose it, and I couldn't lose to him.

I looked at the mirror, i almost fainted, my eyes were so puffy, from crying, this was the second time i cried, in a while, because i choose to run away, push every negativity away, but this one was negativity, it was love.

I shut my eyes and wonder how love makes anyone feel, how i used to picture love and what i'm dealing with right now is anything but love.

Love isn't doubtful, i think it's straight forward feeling, those who doubt love, maybe they aren't in love, or maybe they're lost, just like me.

A knock almost broke the door, as I scurried to open the door, he didn't look gentle, in this good night but rage, rage against the heat of the light.

I didn't know what to do, but to close the door, this wasn't a good time.

The door almost closed, as his foot stepped into the way, pushed the door opened, made me fly across the room, he was mad, and the flowers in the vase, stopped to bloom.
I'm so so so sorry, i wrote this when i woke up and i'm sick atm , i'm sorry it's bad, i'll make it up to you guys, take care of yourselves my gems💕!

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