Chapter 17

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3 months have passed since Robert went filming the new Avengers movie. I felt lonely so I decided to just get breakfast and sit around the house the entire weekend. Most of my work for the magazine was done anyways, so why not take a little brake and enjoy a me weekend.

I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. I turned on my TV on E! and started preparing a meal. I finished my food and not long after  I heard a bunch of weird noises coming from outside the house.  As I made my way to the window to look outside, I was in shock. Literally a hundred paparazzi's were camped on the front lawn . I started panicking even more when I started hearing  noises coming from up-stairs. I grabbed the baseball bat I had at the entrance door and made my way up the stairs. I entered my bedroom and as I was about to take a swing at whoever was in the room a very squeaky "DON'T HIT! IT'S ME!", came from behind the curtains.

"Wow! You were about to knock me out cold with a baseball bat. " said a very terrified Elsa.

I just jumped  and hugged her.

"Have you seen the paparazzi's in front of the house? It's freaking insane. There goes my "me weekend" out the window." Just as I was about to turn on the TV, Elsa snatched the remote control out of my hands.

"No! Don't do that!" I just looked at her puzzled. 

"Why the hell not?!? Elsa...what the hell is going on?" I asked rather mad.

"Just ...don't believe everything that they say."

I took my chances and turned on the TV and there it was. IN BIG FREAKING LETTERS! << Robert Downey Jr. was spotted with her>> and a picture with him and a blonde sucking their faces off.

I couldn't move and I couldn't breath. What was I thinking? Moving all the way here with a freaking movie star. Me the simpleton from Eastern Europe with the big shot Robert Downey Jr. I was just another girl he had to erase from his list. 

I just hugged my knees while falling onto the carpet. This was my worst nightmare coming true. All the promises and everything he had told me over these few months were all lies. I wasn't worth a God damn thing to him.

"Don't believe it Jo! Please. Robert really loves you Jo. He called me immediately to come to your place and help you through this. He even said he'll be on the first plane home to explain everything.He said it's a misunderstanding..."

"Elsa, this is not a fucking misunderstanding. He is kissing another girl after he promised me that he'll be here for me no matter what. I've had it. He lied. He doesn't love me. I was just a  distraction after everything he's been through. I don't want to see him. I'm packing my bags and I'll go to a hotel. I hate him. He broke MY HEART " I said while sobbing.

"Jo! You don't hate him and you know that. Please give him a chance to explain" Elsa said in an exasperated attempt .

"When he gets home just tell him that I don't want to see him ever again and that I'm going to go home. I just need a while to be okay again . I don't want him near me. He can be with that whore if that's what he wants. I HATE HIM!" I said while gathering my stuff and throwing them into my suitcase. With that I was out of the house. 

The paparazzi's were all over me with questions, but I just ran towards the gate and out of Roberts life. I don't want to hear his lame excuses. I'm not a puppet.

I reached the hotel 20 minutes later and checked in. I turned on my cell and I had 20 unread messages all from Robert and a voice mail. 

All of the messages started with "I'm sorry" just like the voice mail in which he begged me to hear him out. After years of being in screwed up relationships with guys that always found someone better to cheat on me, I thought that I finally had a shot at being happy. I was wrong. So wrong. Robert was just like the others. I changed my life for him and now I'm all alone in a hotel room. 

The Chronicles of Two Broken Wings { Robert Downey Jr.} [First Book]Where stories live. Discover now