Chapter 9

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In the last 4 days I couldn't help but think about what's going to happen after I move to the U.S.A. I'm a little scared to say the least, but happy. Maybe life will get better. Maybe I will be one of those news reporters that everybody will love, or maybe I won't. 

I searched my living room for more things to pack. I already packed my books, photo's, music cd's, dvd's. Robert was out to get some groceries so I was all by myself in a house that held all of my memories.

As I looked at the couch I suddenly remembered my last night with my dad.

*Flash Back*

"Hey sweetie look what daddy bought for you" my dad was sitting in front of the TV with a big smile on his face. 

He took from behind him a Coke bottle and two chocolates. Those were my favourites. My mom wouldn't let me have them. 

"Thanks dad! You are awesome. Let's watch a movie!"

"Sure pumpkin" he said kissing my forehead.

We saw Die Hard and it was awesome. We shared laughs and stupid jokes but that was us. We were the A-Team.  I spilled my Coke all over the couch and dad jumped off to go and grab something to wipe that off. We just looked at each other and laughed like we were two pshyco's. 

"I'll miss these moments Jo. I will miss them the most my smart and beautiful girl. Always remember that dad will love you no matter what"

*End of Flash Back*

Tears started forming in my eyes. I fought them off and continued with my packing.  As I opened the door of my closet and switched on my lights  one of my sweaters fell down. As I grabbed it I realized that it was my dad's sweater. I know you might think I'm crazy or something, but I held onto some things he had because those were the only things that made me feel close to him.

I started throwing my clothes into some suitcases I found and 2 hours later all of my belongings were packed neatly. Some in boxes, some in suitcases.

As I walked to the kitchen I stopped in the hall. As I searched the room I remembered yet another thing.

*Flash Back*

I opened my eyes because the sound coming from the hall woke me up. The door opens out of nowhere and as I search for familiar faces I see my dad laying on the floor trying to breath. My mother was crying besides him.

They got him up and he suddenly looked into my eyes with his piercing blue ones. His eyes said a lot of things. I didn't need the words. I knew he was saying I love you and that everything will be just fine.

The paramedics got him on a stretcher and as they walked out of the apartment I jumped off my bed and to the window.

As I saw the ambulance fade away into the cold October air the realization of me losing my dad hit me as hard as a thousands bricks.

*End of Flash Back*

I couldn't hold my tears in any longer. I just sat on the floor and hugged my knees. I started crying furiously. I didn't hear the key turning in the lock. Soon enough the sound of bags hitting the floor filled the room. 2 strong hands held me close to the warmth of his body.

How does he do it? He is always here when I need him the most. It's almost like he has a sixth sense when in comes to me

"Hush baby..." he whispered " Everything will be okay. I am here for you now."

I finally looked at him and his eyes were full of sadness. He was feeling my pain and I saw it. I just hugged him even tighter.

"I...I...just remembered all these things about my dad. It rips me on the inside Robert."

"I know love. I'm here! and I'm not going to leave you. In just 2 days we are going to leave for America and I promise I will be with you ever step of the way. I love you Jo. More than even words can say"

"I love you too. Thank you Robert. Thank you so much"

He went to the bags and picked a Kinder chocolate from it. He handed it to me smiling. It was my favourite. How did he know this? I never told him what brand my favourite chocolate was.

"I saw you keep a little stash in the back of the cupboard and you were out of them so I wanted to fill it up again."

I just smiled at took it fro his hand. I started walking to the living room to sit on the couch when a stunned Robert sat in the middle of the room.

"When? How? What the hell?" He said looking at the boxes that were stacked up in the corner.

"Well you were out and I was bored so I started packing. I packed everything in 2 hours or something. See?!? I found my super power. I am the SUPER PACKER 2.0" I said proudly.

"That sounds like a kitchen robot, but it sounds cool. Now I found the one that's going to pack for me when I'm going filming."

"In your dreams Downey. I pack this fast for myself only."

"But you love me!"

"I do love you Robert. That is the main reason I'll never pack for you. I don't want you gone."

It was true. It will get lonely with him gone. I was scared he'll just run away and never come back. What if that happens?

The Chronicles of Two Broken Wings { Robert Downey Jr.} [First Book]Where stories live. Discover now