Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning smelling bacon and fresh made pancakes. Robert was nowhere to be seen so I figured I'll hop in the shower and get ready for my first day at work. I got dressed in a pair of skinny blue jeans, my favourite Iron Man T-shirt, a beat up long cardigan and my black Converse. I put up my hair in a messy bun, applied some foundation and eye liner and 30 minutes later I was standing in the kitchens doorway.

"Good morning sunshine! Here I made you the breakfast of champions so you can have a lot of energy today" Robert said while walking up to me and wrapping his strong arms around me. I took the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards me so I could kiss him.

"Thanks Robbie. You're the best!" 

I sat at the table and ate my breakfast. As I finished I made my way to the back yard. I had 2 more hours until I had to be at work so a cigarette and a coffee were next in line. As I lit up my cig, Robert came from behind and hugged me.

"So how are you feeling today love?"

"I feel much better . Thank you for being there for me Robert. You don't even know how much it means to me."

"Honey it's the least I could do. Ohhhh by the way, today you can have my car. I'll just take the SUV. Here . Take the keys." he said while handing me the keys to his Audi. 

"Babe I can't. What if I scratch it or something?" I asked rather nervous.

"You won't. And even if you would scratch it, the insurance will cover it no worries. I want what's best for my girl." 

We stood there on the porch just talking about random things until it was time for me to leave. I grabbed my photo camera and my messenger bag and headed out the door. Suddenly I hear someone shouting my name.

A running Robert was seen in the distance.

"Honey...first of all you forgot the car keys and I don't think you have developed any telepathic powers to open and start it. Second of all you forgot something rather important"

"What?!?" I asked panicked.

"This!" and with that Robert kissed me in the most passionate way possible. 

"Have a good day at work babe. I'll miss you!"

"I'll be gone for 8 hours tops honey, but I'll miss you too" I said as I was hugging him. I loved his scent. It was so masculine yet a little soft. 

I got in the car and drove myself to work.

I went up to the 3rd floor and as the doors of the elevator opened I could see a smiling Peter coming my way.

"Good morning sunshine! Let me walk you to you office" 

Wow! I'll have an office? The best thing I had at home was a messy desk and a crappy computer that needed to be punched once in a while to work.

"Good morning Mr. Clark...I mean Peter. Thank you . That's so kind of you"

When I entered my office I couldn't believe my eyes. On the walls they managed to frame some of my work. My desk was a very modern wooden with steel kind of a thing. On it sat a brand new Apple computer and a laptop. I had the comfiest seat of them all and not to mention my own espresso machine along with a mini fridge full of salads and sandwiches. It was like Heaven, only better. I had a Fender guitar along with an amp in one of the corners and on the wall stood a big screen TV. Peter saw the amazement in my eyes immediately.

"Do you like it?" he asked cautiously

"Like it? I love it. Back home I had  only a desk and a computer that needed to be reminded that it is in fact a computer. This is WOW! Thank you so much Peter."

The Chronicles of Two Broken Wings { Robert Downey Jr.} [First Book]Where stories live. Discover now