Safe In His Arms❤️

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I run over to (Y/N) wanting to hug and kiss her, but seeing the injuries she had, I hesitated. Claud Walked in, for a second he looked shocked, but he got over it and broke the chains. He picked up (Y/N) and wrapped her in a blanket, seeing as she was naked. As we were leaving I look back at Phantomhive and say, this isn't over. He get into the carriage and ride home.

~(Y/N) POV~
I wake up in Alois's bed. I look around, seeing no one and notice how quiet it is. I needed to see Alois. I try to sit up but it hurts to much. So I slowly got out of the bed in a half crawl, half role type of way. I put my feet on the ground and try to stand, at first I fall on the floor but I get up and limp to the door. I slowly make my way through the hall way trying not to fall. Then I here voices coming from a room not too far from where I am. I get to the outside of the door and listen. I here Alois, Claud, Hannah, and the triplets talking. "Do you think she will be ok?" I hear one of them say, then another says "I guess we'll just have to wait and see." With that I push myself through the door and land on the floor with a loud thud. They all stand up and run To me. Alois picks me up and says "(Y/N) you shouldn't be out of bed! You could get even more hurt." His concerned face makes me sad. I look into his big blue eyes and say Alois, I need you. After that everything goes blank.

I wake up warm in bed. I look over and see Alois lying next to me with a smile. How long have I been out? I ask. He thinks for a second and says "About 2 days." I sit up realizing it doesn't hurt as much anymore. I look at Alois and start crying. He gets up and gives me a hug. I feel so safe and warm in his arms. He whispers in my ear "I'm so sorry that happened to you, I will never let anyone hurt you again." We were both now crying and hugging. After a few minutes he pulls away and sits next to me. He puts his arms around my shoulders, and I rest my head on his shoulders. He looks at me and says "I'm sorry to bring this up so early but we need to talk about what happened. I look down out of shame, I feel so dirty and embarrassed that something like that happened to me. He then lightly grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "(Y/N) don't be embarrassed, it not your fault. But I need to know what happened so I can help you." I say ok but only if we can get back in bed. We go back to lying in the big soft bed. Alois puts his arms around me, and looks into my eyes. That's when I knew I could trust him. So I start talking. I tell him about the cell and the chains. I talk about the bedroom with no windows and the whip, but worst of all, the rape. When I was finished telling him everything he tried to stay calm but I knew he was in ragged at Ciel. We stay in bed for another hour just cuddling and talking about life before we met. We were interrupted by Claud nocking at the door. He came in and dressed us, then we went downstairs to get breakfast. When we were eating Alois took my hand and said "(Y/N) I have a wonderful surprise for you tomorrow."

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