Chapter 1

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Kara's POV

I'm putting on my clothes and waiting for Linda to come in to get me. Once I'm done, I sit down on my bed feeling anxious. Linda told me a few things about the couple. Their names are Eliza and Jeremiah Danvers, they have a 14-year-old daughter, Alex, and that they live in Midvale. I sit here for what seems like forever until Linda finally walks through my door.

"Are you ready sweetheart?" I just sit there staring at her.

"What's wrong dear?" She comes and sits down next to me and drapes her arm around my shoulders.

"Linda, I'm so scared. I thought that I would be fine, but I was wrong. I have all these questions jumping around in my head. What if they don't like me? What if I don't like them? How well will their daughter and I get along? The list just continues from there." I have tears running down my cheeks

"Kara they are going to love you. I have this strong feeling that this family is for you."

"How can you be so sure?"

"You have to go down there and see for yourself."

"Linda that wasn't the answer I wanted to hear." I groan
She wipes the tears from my face.

"Now you, Kara, are the strongest young lady I've ever met. You are going to go down there and be yourself. Show them the real you; not the Kara you think they'll like better, alright?" She smiles.

"Yeah, you're right." I walk to the tall mirror hanging on my closet door. "I got this. Just be yourself, Kara. Thanks, Linda, I needed that boost of confidence."

"You're welcome, dear. Now let's go, they're waiting downstairs for us."

She gets up and walks towards the door. I take one last look in the mirror.

"Here goes nothing."

I go downstairs and walk into the living room to see a middle-aged man and woman. Next to the woman was a young girl.

"Kara I would you to meet Jeremiah, Eliza, and Alex Danvers."

"Hi." I wave and push up my glasses awkwardly

"Alex, Eliza, and Jeremiah meet Kara"

"Hello." Eliza and Jeremiah say in unison.

"Sup," Alex says.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you guys to it; whenever you're done just call for me. Good luck sweetheart." She hugs me and then left the room.


Alex Danvers has always wanted a sibling. No matter if they were younger or older. She has always felt lonely when her parents would leave early in the morning to go to work and come back late at night. When her parents told her that they have been planning on adopting it brought tears of joy to her eyes. That was about 2 to 3 months ago, now she's on her way with her parents to the foster home to meet Kara. Her parents told her a couple of things about Kara. She's the same age as me, 14, she had lived her whole life in foster care, her parents died which is why she is in the system and that she loves writing. All Alex hopes for is that this goes well for their first encountering.

Alex's POV

I'm in the car with my parents heading to go meet Kara for the first time. I'm feeling nervous and excited rolled into one. I have no idea how this is going to go. I've had enough time to prepare myself for this day and I don't wanna mess this up.

"Mom how much longer?"

"We have about another hour or so left Alexandra. Just sit back and relax." My mom tells me.

"Are you excited to meet Kara, Alex?" My dad asks

"Yes...and no. I've been freaking out for the past couple of months. I just hope that she likes me and that I like her. Also, it should be easy. We're the same age so we should have some of the same interests, right?"

"Alex, I'm positive that you two will like each other. I guarantee it." My dad tells me.

"We'll see dad." I sigh out.

I grab my headphones, plugged them into my phone and put them in my ear. I laid my head on the window and closed my eyes; moments later I could feel myself drifting off to sleep.

"Alex...Alex sweetie wake up." I hear my dad say

"I'm up. I'm up" I open my eyes "Are we here?"

"Yes, we are. Now get up Alexandra before we're late." My mom says as she gets out of the car.

I can feel myself get nervous once again. I hesitantly get out of the car and walked up beside my dad and held his hand.

"Everything is going to be fine. Just take deep breaths and think positive." Dad tells me as his hand rubs circles on my back.

All I do is nod.

We walk up the steps of the foster home. Mom knocks on the door. We wait a few minutes a middle-aged woman opens the door.

"Oh, you all must be the Danvers Family. Please, please come in." She steps aside to let us in.

"It's very nice to see you again Mr. and Mrs. Danvers," she turns to me, "And it's nice to meet you..." She holds out her hand

" Alexandra Danvers, but I prefer Alex. It's nice to meet you," I say as I shake her hand.

" That is a lovely name, Alex; I'm Linda Scott," she gives me a kind smile, "You all can follow me into the living room then I can go get Kara from her room and we can get started."

We all nod our heads

"Okay, I will be right back. Make yourselves comfortable." Then with that, she was gone.

I put my head down and started to rub my hands together nervously. I try to take deep breaths, but it doesn't work.

"Are you okay, honey?" My dad asks as he wraps his arm around my shoulder,

"Yeah, I'm fine dad just nerves."

"Everything is going to be okay. She's gonna like us, she's gonna like you."

"Your father is right Alex; we are going to show Kara what a great family we are, and how much we really want her to become a member of our little family," Mom says as she reaches out to grab my hand.

"Thank you," I smiled, "I really needed the comfort" I take mom's hand.

Before we could say anything else we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I look up to see Linda and Kara come through the living room entryway.

"Kara, I would like you to meet Jerimiah, Eliza, and Alex Danvers.

"Hi," Kara says as she waves and awkwardly pushing up her glasses.

"Alex, Eliza, and Jeremiah meet Kara."

"Hello," Mom and Dad say in unison.

"Sup," I say to sound somewhat cool.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you guys to it; whenever you're done just call for me. Good luck sweetheart," Linda tells Kara.

With that Linda turns and walks out of the room.

I pray that this goes well.

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