Chapter 1

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Brenyn lay in bed, staring at the ceiling and attempting to fall asleep. There were so many thoughts rushing through his head that he couldn't even think about sleeping.

He flipped the covers off of himself and made his way to the kitchen. It was small and cramped but in a way, cosy and Brenyn liked that. He hated unnecessarily large rooms. They gave him anxiety. Speaking of which, that's what was keeping him up. He opened a cupboard door and took out his anxiety meds. Yes, it was a weird place to keep them but he didn't care. Grabbing a glass of water, he walked into the living room and turned on Netflix. He sipped some water and dropped his meds into his mouth.

A few hours later he peeled his eye open only to be blinded by light.

"What the..? It's morning..? Did I fall asleep on the couch? Fuck me." He mumbled, groggily. A sudden buzz from his phone made him flinch. He picked it up and saw that it was a text from his friend Jason.

'Hey Bren, how are you this morning? I'm just about to head to the club would you like me to pick you up?'
Brenyn groaned and replied with a good and a no. He hated going to clubs even if it was a good one. Jason had texted back with a 'Too bad' and told him that he was coming to get him. He tsked and decided to look for something to wear.

After a couple minutes of struggling to pick something out, he decided to wear a pair of black skinny jeans and an oversized black sweater. He was anxiously fidgeting with his keys and double checking that he had everything he needed and that his clothes were okay when there was a loud knock at the door making him, of course, jump.

He slowly walked over to the door and dreaded opening it. This was just one of the things that made him anxious. The big one being answering the phone. As his mind wandered off there was a shout from the other side of the door.

"Brenyn! Come on buddy open up!"
He opened the door to a smiling Jason. "Hey."

"Hey." He whispered. Once again, he began fidgeting when a large hand placed itself onto the top of his head. He looked up ever so slightly and found that the blue eyed man was looking at him with a concerned smile.

"It's okay. You're going to be fine. You can hold onto my shirt if you'd like? Or hold my hand?" He offered. Brenyn blushed slightly and opted for holding his hand as they made their way out the door, locking it behind them. Hesitantly, he looked up at the man and saw his expression turn from concern to serious. He gulped.

"Did you take your meds?" He nodded. "Did you eat?" He didn't know how to answer that one. He hadn't but he didn't want to tell Jason that. He'd be disappointed in him. The man raised an eyebrow. Brenyn hesitantly nodded his head and started to play with the hem of his sweater when he saw the man squint his eyes at him. "Now Brenyn, did you just lie to me?" Jason tilted Brenyn's head up to make him look him in the eyes. He hated when J done that. It made him feel so uneasy. He hated a lot of things.

"I'm sorry.." He stuttered. Jason smiled sympathetically.

"Bren you have to eat. I'll get you something when we leave the club." He nodded and looked out the window. I hope it goes okay, he thought.

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