"Hey let's get them now since they can't see us," Wayne said beginning to get up.

"No we should attack smartly," Mike said.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

"Just follow my lead," Jake  said.

"That's not fair you got to plan last time," Nick said in a whining tone.

This almost made all of us laugh but we took our positions in the woods. Then the woods went even quieter.

When the hunters were where we were we rained down on them from the trees. They didn't even know what hit them until they were flat on the ground.  John wasn't  with them. Suddenly an arrow whizzed towards Nick head but Jake caught it.

"Wow! Thanks man," Nick said.

"Don't mention it, we really should be getting our asses out of here," he said.

Several arrows whizzed towards us but we ducked .

"Hey Sebastian! What are you waiting for?" I shouted over the bullets passing over our heads.

"What am I supposed to do?" he shouted back.

"Use the God damned flash bomb!" I shouted.

He took a flash bomb and placed it in the launcher and aimed it where the hunters were. We lowered our head's as the bright light exploded. The hunters cries could be heard shortly after. We took this opportunity and ran off in the opposite direction.

"Where are we heading?" Mike asked.

"We'll figure that out when we get far enough from the hunters," Nick answered.

We ran a good distance then we stopped.

"We can't go back to our regular hideout they must of confiscated it," Jean said.

"So what now?" Sam asked.

"Wait! Where's that son of a bitch James?" I shouted interrupting everyone.

Every had a shock expression on their face when they remembered they left him at the base.


"Hey guys I helped you so let me out!" James shouted wiggling to get out the chains.

"Fuck! Next time I'll get you piece of shits to be in even greater hot water with my leader John. He'll make sure you never see the light of day" he said smirking angrily.

He took out his claws and slashed the chains after hours of effort it finally snapped.

Yes finally!

"I should find John and the others and tell them where those mongrels went," he mumbled to himself.

He then began walking towards the door when he pulled the door handle. A big tree trunk came rushing towards him. It came down on him so fast he flew  through the window flat on is back groaning in agony. As he got up he was soon to regret that action as an arrow impaled his leg. He hit the ground hard after several arrows whizzed towards him.

As he recovered and got up again he walked a little deeper in the woods he stopped when his feet sank into something soft. When he looked down he was standing in quicksand but he quickly jumped back clawing his way out avoiding sinking too deep into it.

"Your smart Jake, but not smart enough," he said.

Not realizing he was heading towards an electric fence.

"Ahhh!!!!!! Augh!!!!!!!!"

His screams echoed throughout the woods as he crashed in the fence. He fell to the ground smoke coming off his burnt body.

"Okay I accept defeat you guys win," and with that James passed out.

Just as he was blocking out he saw four sets of large black army boots. He heard a man and woman mumbling.

"Let's grab what's left of a this mangy mutt and throw him in the van." The man said while stooping to pick up James.

"By time we are through he's sure to hell tell us where the rest of those mongrels are, said the female.

" Am sick and tired of these bloodsucking shits and dogs littering Earth. "

"You and me both Sean."

What kind of shit did I find myself in James thought as everything suddenly went black. He could hear his wife and son calling out to him in a bright flash of light.

Will James hatred die or live on?

Will they find another place to call home??

School is a  bit hectic and it has just reopened. I hope you enjoy this chapter I'll try to publish the other soon enough.

The pages are starting to echo in here please talk to me..

Let me know how the story is REALLY.

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