Look who's back Bitches

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"Kylie a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. It's obvious you got that from your father, Ramon" I examined the sleeping baby's face as she breathed heavily in her cute pink cot. I took her out of her cot gently trying not to wake the fragile baby up I then put her in her stroller and looked into the corridor they were in the cinema room on the far left wing, in a week I had studied the house and every exit/entrance I took out the recorder and placed it in her cot I walked into the elevator with Kylie and out the back door. I put Kylie in the van and got in. I later seen Danielle's car pull up. Her and Sasha had families, money, a career while I was in jail but I'm back now and better. I started the car and drove off.


"Is that All?" I heard Sasha say frustrated.

"No, as I said before she has another inmate with her and they've stolen a van and a person with her description was seen with 2 other people including the inmate and they were buying food, drinks, a blanket, camera and a recorder."

"So what does this mean?" I said

"Well, she has the food and drinks to survive, blanket for warmth, recorder not sure but the type of camera she got is used when spying"

"So she's spying on someone?" I asked confused

"Oh my God, Dani she's spying on us" Sasha said nervously.

I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. Kylie. Ramon. Scott. Kyle. I ran out of the station, Sasha following close behind and searched my pockets for the keys when I realized I forgot it in the station I sprinted like I've never sprinted before and grabbed the keys as I ran out I seen a couple of officers try to talk to me but I couldn't stop running it was like my brain had turned on survival mode and it just couldn't turn off until I had my baby and Ramon near.

"Dani!" Sasha called from behind

"She's out. We NEED to get home" I said anxiously

"I'll drive" she said putting her hand out for the keys. Sasha quickly started the engine the road was packed but Sasha was an unreal driver and managed to get us out of the traffic jam. I tried calling Ramon but his phone was switched off.

"His phone's turned off" I said looking at Sasha.

"Try Scott" She said not looking at me once.
I searched through my contacts for Scott and soon found him.

"Hewo" A cute voice said

"Kyle can you give daddy the phone?"

"Bye bye aunty" he said ending the call. I sighed in frustration but looked up away from my phone to see we were close and within a few minutes we were home. I ran out of the car eagerly searching for my house keys when I found them I quickly unlocked the door, not removing my keys from it.

"Ramon?!" I called out searching the kitchen.  He and Scott came out of the cinema confused

"I'm here babe" he said. Phew, I thought

"Why havent you been answering your- Wait where's Kylie? " I asked rushing up the stairs.

"She's asleep" Ramon called from behind. Without looking back I rushed into her room to find her not in her cot.

"Kylie?? Kylie, baby where are you?" I said panicking. I checked under her bed and in her closet. Ramon, Scott, Kyle and Sasha walked into the room shocked.

"Ramon, where is she? Where's my baby?!" I said tearing up I slid down the walls of her cot holding her favourite blanket crying.

"She was here, asleep" Ramon said looking around

"I'll call the police" Sasha said running downstairs and was soon followed by Scott everyone was searching or Calling. Kyle was climbing into her cot and even he looked upset, but all I could think about no matter how many times I tried to think positive was "Was I ever going to see my baby girl again? Was Kylie gone for good?

Shorter than my last one I know I upload two times a week and if you're lucky one but since I'm studying I may have to upload once so if that happens please don't be annoyed VOTE please and comment 💗❤


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