mrs. kim peeks from the kitchen, seeing seyoon leaving through the door. she doesn't bother, knowing he could handle. but in reality, he couldn't.

     "byeongkwan, please, stop!" seyoon is speed walking behind byeongkwan by a few feet. byeongkwan refuses, the breeze feeling cold against his bare face. he starts to jog, and the jog forcefully turns into a run. he dashes up the street, seyoon now behind him by two yards. 

     byeongkwan blocks out seyoon's yelling behind him, and wipes his face of tears with his sleeve. he takes a sharp turn left when he is at the end of his street. he dashes down the street, knowing seyoon was behind him. he didn't stop, no matter how much his sides, legs and feet hurt, no matter how much he wanted to.

     as his sleeves drift at his arms, he rolls them up quickly. he didn't want them flying as he runs, the quicker he can get away from seyoon, the better. even if the sixteen-year old was behind him by now three yards.

     byeongkwan hits an uneven part of the sidewalk, and trips to the ground in defeat. he holds his forearms to his chest, now covered with road rash and turns onto his back. he holds back his screams by biting his tongue harshly to the point he could taste blood. tears roll down his cheeks at a faster rate than before.

     seyoon catches up quickly, and is kneeled beside byeongkwan. he pulls him up from the concrete and holds him in a hug, the trembling thirteen-year old clinging onto seyoon like a child. he sobs into seyoon's chest, the blood from his road rash bleeding onto seyoon's jacket, but he didn't care.

     "hey, hey, it's okay, what's happened, did you get-"

     before seyoon can answer, byeongkwan nods his head yes, not moving his face to see seyoon's gaze. he would see those eyes he didn't want to see now.

    seyoon moves byeongkwan' arms, scooting back from byeongkwan's grip and looking at his arms. they sat in front of each other, byeongkwan averting seyoon's eyes and looking at the ground around him.

    a large amount of blood was bleeding from the road rash, the gashes big on byeongkwan's forearms. one gash was on his right cheek as well, not bleeding as much, but red seeped down the side of his pale cheek.

    "let's get you home, no-"

   "no." byeongkwan whimpers, his lip quivering as he kept his low, tears streaming down his face. "i want to stay here."

    "but your road ras-"

    "i don't care." byeongkwan mutters. he didn't feel like screaming or yelling now. he didn't feel like being attacked by his eomma with questions on what happened. he wanted to stay with seyoon right here and not go anywhere.

    "byeongkwan, please-"

   "no!" byeongkwan says, now yelling. he didn't want to, but the concerned sixteen-year old wouldn't listen to his request. 

   seyoon inhales and holds his breath. he leans to byeongkwan's lips and pressed his against the thirteen-year old's. he knew it was wrong, the three year difference in age and the fact he had a girlfriend back in jeolla-do, but he didn't care at the moment.

    seyoon's hands cup byeongkwan's face. byeongkwan seemed to enjoy it, his arms never moved to push seyoon away and obligate. of course, the thirteen-year old knew why he enjoyed it.

    when seyoon pulls away, he looks at byeongkwan with concerned eyes. the same eyes he stared at when seyoon first arrived to seoul two days ago. 

    "please." he whispers. 

     byeongkwan sighs, feeling seyoon using his thumb to wipe away tears from his cheek. the warmth of seyoon's hands against his cheeks.

    "fine." he agrees.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

this chapter

was kind of shitty


i realised

after fifteen chapters of writing this

i based this off a true story

it didn't happen to me

but my aunt

she told me like a week before i signed up for wattpad

and started writing this

and it's weird

kind of

imagining my aunt and her husband now

with this shit

the story i feel like from beyond this point

won't be the same as my aunt told me



SHE SAID THIS TOOK PLACE IN SEOUL, HER HOMETOWN AND JEOLLA-DO, WHERE HER HUSBAND (not in this time in the story she said. but they were best friends and instead had a four year age difference) MOVED TO


WTf tF sMH

i didn't even remember that part





[rEaD thRouGh thIs ShiT aGAin, bOI-]

[rEaD thRouGh thIs ShiT aGAin, bOI-]

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disappeared. wowkwanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora