Something Stronger

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Now it's 2017,
Harry is sitting at home alone drinking his morning tea.
He looks down at his tea.
As he looks down at it he smiles as he remembers that morning him and Louis spent talking in that hotel room.
He remembers every little detail,
the time, the date, the weather, the way the hotel room looked, but the thing he remembered most was Louis, and their long conversation.
Harry remembers every word, he plays it over and over in his head, he can hear Louis talking, it's almost like he's back there with him. Then Harry remembers their almost kiss.
Louis leaning in, Harry leaning in, their foreheads touch, Louis pulls Harry in closer, their lips almost touching.
Harry hears himself ask Louis,
'W-what are you doing?'
And he hears Louis's reply,
Then Harry finally realizes what happened that day 7 years ago,
all this time he knew they were close friends, he knew that there was something between them, but what he didn't realize until now,
it wasn't friendship, it was something stronger.
That same morning on the other side of London sat Louis, drinking his morning tea.
His thoughts started to wander as he looked out his kitchen window at the London skyline.
As he took a sip of his tea, he tasted it and remembered that morning with Harry in the hotel room.
He didn't remember the time, the date, what the weather was like, how the room looked, or anything else, all he remembered was Harry.
The way Harry looked, the way he smiled and laughed, the sound of his voice as they talked.
He didn't remember what they talked about, all he remembered was Harry.
He remembered how his curly hair was just right, the way his emerald eyes shined in the sunlight, his dimples when he smiled.
Louis remembered leaning in and Harry leaning in, he remembered his forehead touching to Harry's as he pulled him in closer, he closed his eyes and he heard Harry's voice,
'W-what are you doing?'
Their lips nearly touched.
Louis felt stupid now, he wondered if Harry felt the same way, did he feel the same bond that was between them?
What would he have done if they did kiss?
What would things have been like if they did?
Louis looked back out the window and stared off into space as all these questions raced through his mind,
'What would you do, Harry... what would you do?' Louis whispers to himself.

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