Start from the beginning


"I couldn't actually believe it, what person hasn't had a birthday party before?" I said as the group sat in the cafeteria, "Mr Jones told me Jughead has never had one, so it got me thinking. Let's have one for him" I grinned widely.

"Like, a low-key surprise party..." Kevin said, "no, no, no" Archie said "that's a fantastic idea" Veronica grinned. "Jughead doesn't like his birthday" Betty said, "everybody says that, nobody means it" Kevin replied, I nodded agreeing with Kevin. "Jughead is a lone wolf" Archie said, "okay ignoring the negativity...." Veronica said turning to me "Anna you know me-"

"-Any excuse to wear a cute party dress" I finished, she gave me a smirk "exactly"
"Okay, so I'm thinking a quaint gathering" Veronica said "inner-circle only" Betty added, "perfecto" I grinned clapping my hands.

"Oh, my god don't turn around" Kevin announced his eyes widening, I turned in my seat seeing- no freaking way!

Chuck Clayton, are you kidding me!

"Holy Chuck, I think his lats got bigger. Not that I care, because he's evil incarnate" Kevin said, "what's Chuck Clayton doing back?" Archie asked "he got suspended not expelled, even though he should have been drawn and quartered for what he did" Veronica said, I took my bag and stood up "and that's my que to leave" I said standing up.

"Where are you going?" Betty asked her eyes still glaring at Chuck, "someone's gotta convince Mr Jones to show up to the party" I smirked before skipping away.


"Hi can you page Lillian Regal please?" I asked standing in my moms hospital, the receptionist in front me nodded before paging her. "Thank you" I said kindly before backing away from the desk, within moments mom was walking down the hall eating a candy bar.

"Anna" she started, she stopped in front of me giving me a disapproving look "shouldn't you be at school?" She asked. "Can't, I've got a birthday party to plan" I smiled, "it's not going to be at the house if that's what you're getting out. After the last one you threw I still haven't gotten the spray paint off the bathroom door" she said raising her eyebrows chewing on her bar.
"Seriously?" I pouted "seriously" she smirked, my eyebrows bounced before I said "okay fine, but can you at least do me a favour?" I asked. "If you ask me to buy you alcohol it's a no" she said placing a hand on her hip, "no.." I started.

"Could you maybe talk to Jughead's dad?" I asked, her body went rigid and her face stern. "No" she said quickly, "what? Please mom, you two knew each other in high school maybe he'd listen to you" I replied practically begging her. "It's a no Anna" she repeated, "please mom, this is Jughead's first birthday party and his dad should be there" I pleaded.

"Anna..." She sighed, "come on mom, please. If not for me than for Jughead, I think he'll really like it" I said. She gave me one last look before going slack "okay fine, but if he says no then don't expect me to beg" she said. I grinned giving her a bear hug "thank you thank you" I said excited, I pulled away "I'm on break soon, I'll go see him then" she said.

"Mom you're a life saver" I smiled, "but I'll only do it if you go back to school, I don't need anymore calls from Weatherbee telling me that your not in class again" she said. "Of course, I'll see you at home. And you better go talk to him" I replied taking a step towards the door, "I will don't worry" she waved off.
I grinned at her before walking out of the hospital.

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