We Meet Again

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Katsuki's eyes widened at the realisation of who it was. It was Deku, fucking shit, this is just really bad. The blonde quickly turn on his heel and tried to make a run for it down an alleway.

'shit! Shit! Shit!'

Midoriya was having none of it, he ran after the ex hero in training, grabbing his wrist and turned him around, almost bumping into him again.

"Where have you been?! What have you been doing?!! Do you realize everyone is looking for you???!"

Katsuki felt the tug but he wouldn't dare face Deku. It was too soon, too damn soin. His hand tighten to a fist.

"Deku...don't do this right now" his voice wavered at that time. It was just too much, no one would believe what he says. All they wanted to do was put him under arrest.

"Deku let go"

"No! I want you to explain why you did it!! You cant just run away from your problems!!" Izuku shouted, tears welling up in his eyes as he stared at the back of his childhood friend.

It was always like this, wasnt it?

He was always two steps behind, forced to watch Katsuki's back...

"...You think I killed him too?" Slowly he turned over to Deku. A face that he has not made in a while. It was a hurtful expression. Katsuki could only stare at Deku in disbelief and hurt.

"Out of all times to doubt me...you chose this one?"

"What else do you expect me to think?!" Izuku cried out, fat tears rolling down the freckled cheek. How dare Bakugou make that face at a time like this. Was he trying to guilt trip Izuku?? Then he had another thing coming.

"I-i...It has been weeks, Ka-...Bakugou...and you disappeared...do you realize that it juis fuels everyone's doubt??!" Midoriya sniffled, far too angry to even use the nickname he had for this boy.

Katsuki stared in pure shock,he was stunned. He lowered his head as his body shook. Katsuki ripped away from Deku's grasp.

His chest just felt tight.

It hurts.

"You don't know anything...none of you do..." He looked up as he glared at Deku. A single tear slid down his cheek.

"All of you were just waiting for a moment like this...you all wanted to believe that I can be a villain" his nails sunk into his palms.

"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!" He yelled loudly gaining some attention.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Good bye, Midoriya" he turned his back as he quickly started to leave at once.

Wrong Place, Wrong Timeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن