That was another thing. Louis loves to mess Harry's name up. To this point Harry doesn't even mind it.

"Sorry, sir. I sent out the paper work for the private jet you asked for and it should be ready at exactly 8pm for take off." Harry spoke following Louis to his office. Louis sat down and grabbed his breakfast taking a bite out of it. He stopped surprised it was still fresh and warm.

"Its warm." He stated.

"Well yes, you told me to make sure it was still fresh and warm."

Louis nodded, and took another bite. He began typing away on his computer.
"I assume you have everything packed." He said.

"Uh, for what?"

Louis turned to look at him and tilted his head. "For the flight tonight. You know you are coming, right?"

"Oh, I uh, didn't think I was." Harry responded.

"Well I suggest pack. I'll let you leave an hour before so you have enough time. It'll only be for 2 nights so you won't bring much."

"Oh okay."


It was 7:55. Louis and Harry had barely boarded the flight. They got themselves comfortable in the jet having a lot of space to stretch.

"This ought to be a long flight." Louis murmured. Harry stayed quiet, and sat down. He opened his laptop and began typing emails that needed to be sent out.

"Would you like a drink?" Louis asked serving himself a glass of whiskey.

"No thank you, I don't drink." Harry responded going back to his work. Louis shrugged and began serving himself more.

The pilot walked in to greet them. "Hello I'm Curtis. There will be a delay, they need to recheck the engines just in case nothing bad happens." He said. Louis nodded, understanding.

He sat down and looked over the files. He took a sip of his drink then glanced to Harry who was concentrated in his work.

"I noticed you are quite the hygienic person. I also that I didn't give you much time to go home to take a shower and all seeing as you are wearing the same outfit from today at work. I would like to inform you that there is a shower in this jet." Louis mentioned.

"Really?" Harry stopped and looked at him. Louis nodded. "Awesome." Harry smiled and kept typing.

"Okay, everything is set." They heard Curtis' voice from the intercom. They started feeling Plane go up and Harry grabbed his bag and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Entering the bathroom he gawked at how big and fancy it was. He looked around and thought it was beautiful. He saw that there was a window there. "Why would they have a window here. Haha" he laughed to himself. Harry took out his clean clothes and set them out. He turned on the water from the shower and began taking off his things. He undid his bun and took off his glasses along with the ring. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled down his pants. He scratched his head getting ready to get into the shower. He took his shampoo out, setting it near the shower. Harry was about to go in the shower when suddenly the Plane shook. Harry grabbed onto anything he could. Once the turbulence stopped. He sighed deeply. He slowly looked out of the window, and his eyes widen. A part of the wing was on fire.

Soon the plane shook again and Curtis' voice began to ring in the intercom.

"Please stand by. Make sure you wear your seat belts. There are ones on the seats, and bathroom. This might get bumpy." His voice sounded.

Soon the lights turned off, Harry gasp feeling the plane slowly stop moving. "Harry!" Louis called out.

"I'm fine Mr. Tomlinson. Please do not move from your seat. I'll be fine!" Harry called out. Harry looked over the window again and realized they were beginning to fall.

"Fuck!" In a swift second Harry was dressed in his clean clothes. He grabbed his belonging putting them in the shower, then closing the shower door, to make sure they didn't fly out. He then went to punch the window and flew out of the plane. He realized the plane had been falling at a fast rate. He flew to the bottom of the plane, holding onto it, so it would slow down.

"Aaaarghh!" Harry used his strength to hold the plane steady. It was then he noticed they were a bit close to ground and saw people taking videos and crowding around. Harry put his head down so his hair was covering his face. He notice the wing was still in fire and flew to it holding it so the plane stayed steady. He blew out the fire, not realizing Louis looking out the window.

Luckily Louis didn't recognize him, his hair was still in front of his face. He slowly placed the plane down at a platform near the ocean. People began yelling, and taking pictures. Harry moved quickly back into the plane. Thanking that he had super speed and hoping no one saw him.

He quickly changed into his old clothes, so when he got out no one new it was him. He tied his hair back and put his glassses on. He shakily walked out of the bathroom, racing over to his boss.

"Mr. Tomlinson are you alright?" Harry asked. Louis held onto his seat tightly and nodded. I think we are in the ground.

The pilot walked out of his room gasping for air.

"Did you guys see her?"

"Who?" Harry asked.

"Some girl she... she came out of no where and... I swear she help put the plane down." Curtis said.

"I saw her as well. At first I thought I was just drunk but... you just confirmed it." Louis responded.

"I uh. Didn't see anything." The door opened, and Louis got up. Both of them walked out, watching as police and ambulance arrived, a big crowd of people were yelling and screaming. Talking about the mysterious girl who helped lower the jet.

Harry bit his lip, worried for his life. If only they knew it wasn't some girl. If only they knew it was him.

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