Chapter 4 Capture

Start from the beginning

"Oh yes!" Bill said a perplexing look on his face. "Though at the moment I only know the location of one of them. I believe with their help we could avert the collapse of the realm."

The General was nodding his assent but was still looking at Bill with suspicion. "Yes I agree if such as you said exist. So just pray tell, who are these amazing four individuals?"

"Why General Roth," Bill said a wide smile coming to his face. "I thought it was obvious!"

"Forgive me sir I must be getting old, may I have the names of these amazing four that I may contact them?" Roth said still a little suspicious.

"I believe you remember my father's old elite guard?" Bill said.

"Yes sir, considering I was a member of them!" The general said slowly.

"I intend to knight all four of you! As of right now you are the only ones I consider to be of a trustworthy character." Bill said as he turned though he no longer heard the general following him.

General Roth was standing stock still a look on disbelief on his face. "Sir! This is an honor that I cannot accept. I don't think any of the others will neither. To be a knight of the crown..." Roth was unable to move the shock of Bill's words still ringing through his mind.

Sighing Bill walked back to Roth, "You four are the only ones that I feel that I can truly trust. Well the Lieutenant Colonel and my mates plus you four. That's not much of a résumé for success. I need all of you if I am going to stay alive and re-unite the realm."

Both Glenna and Twitty who had remained quiet and on guard both were now smiling. "Was there any doubt of our loyalty?" Glenna said appearing to be hurt.

"Really Bill after what I have been through protecting you? You insult me and my sister mate! If you would like to see a test of her or my resolve then I suggest you try to stop us!" Twitty said as they both began to stalk toward Bill.

A very wide smile appeared on Bill's face as he held up his fur covered paws. "I would never doubt either of you!" Bill purred toward both his mates.

Twitty and Glenna both smiled as they began to lick Bill's face, both of them also purring. "It is good mate; it wouldn't do to have you injured and unable to perform your husbandly duties!" Twitty said as she rubbed her face against Bill's.

"Yes, I for one would have to do battle with my sister mate for the honor of being with you first! Do not get hurt or killed; it would greatly displease the both of us! Then I think that we might also have to hurt you!" Glenna said as she smiled at Twitty in all seriousness.

Bill's eyes went wide; it had been a long time since he'd been home. He'd forgotten just how fierce a Xendran female felt about her mate. The mere fact that she would kill another or die trying that tried to steal her mate. In his case he had two mates, not unknown to be practiced by the royal family. Snapping his fingers he remembered he had to find his brother's wife.

Turning he looked at Roth, "I just remembered Roth. Is my brother's wife Niaco still alive? I must talk to her before I ascend the throne."

"I figured as much. Yes sir, she is very much alive. Though she hasn't all the power that your brother had she is still trying to hold the realm 'til you ascend." Roth told him.

Good I..." Bill started.

"Mate," Both Twitty and Glenna said as the fell to their knees before him.

Glenna looked at Twitty who nodded then Glenna continued. "We both know it is the custom to take your brother's wife into the family. We both knew her briefly, and we consider it an honor to welcome her into our group. Whether or not you take her as a mate, she will be welcome!"

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