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"How're you feeling?"

Mitch looks up from his seat on the couch to see Scott standing at the top of the stairs. "Still sick. I can't stop sneezing, and I've got a killer headache."

"Sorry, babe." He sees Scott smile to himself before continuing, "Stay there. I'll be right back."

It's only fifteen minutes before he returns, carrying a blanket and his laptop under one arm. In his other hand, he's gripping a steaming mug.

Mitch watches as he sets the mug down on the table in front of him before laying the blanket over him. Scott sets up Spirited Away on the computer and climbs underneath the blanket with him. "Here," he hands Mitch the mug as wraps an arm around his shoulders, "tea with honey."

Mitch smiles and curls closer to Scott, relishing in the feeling of his hand running up and down his arm.

He takes a sip of the tea, humming quietly. Looking up at Scott, he whispers, just loud enough.

"You're my best friend."

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