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Princess Yolanda giggled as she skipped around the large field, her handmaiden close behind her. Prince Leopold was laying in the field, arms and legs spread out as he observed the clouds in the sky. Yolanda collapsed near her brother, breathing heavily as she lay on the ground.

"Isn't it just wonderful?"

"What are you talking about, Yolanda?" Cordelia the, handmaiden, giggled.

"The world! It's so beautiful and peaceful!"

"I wouldn't say it's exactly peaceful." Leopold mumbled.

"Who cares what you say, Leo!" Yolanda jumped up from the ground, "I bet you can't catch me!"

"I bet you I can!"

Yolanda sprinted around the field, Leopold chasing her. Cordelia sat there, laughing at the silly siblings.

Yolanda screeched as Leopold tackled her to the ground. Cordelia ran to the two to make sure no one was hurt, and thankfully no one was. Their fun abruptly ended as King Reynaud's voice boomed from the castle walls.

"Stop horse playing! Dinner is to be served in an hour, I expect you to be clean!"

Yolanda and Leopold jumped from the ground and stood up as straight as they could, "Yes father!"

"Yes, sir," Cordelia mumbled as she curtsied. Cordelia locked her arm around Yolanda's arm and walked her to her chambers, Leopold followed behind them.

Later that night, King Reynaud and his children sat at the large dinner table sharing dinner.

"Did you two have fun today?" He asked them. King Reynaud was a pleasant man, but he wasn't really the same since his wife died.

"We always have fun, father! You should join us someday!"

"I would love to, but I've been very busy lately. Perhaps I will join you one day. How is being a squire, Leopold?"

"It's very fun, father. I'm having a great time! However, Loran Highwell is far superior than me at everything!"

"You should stop complaining about that. I'm sure you'll both be knighted and become very good friends. Anyway, you are the heir to Woodworth, there are many other things to be worrying about. I'll let you enjoy your life for now, though."

Leopold turned to his sister and gave her a funny look. She stifled a giggle as her father furrowed his brows.

"What's so funny?" He asked her, a grin forming on his face.

The three of them burst out in laughter, but they were interrupted by Sir Reylan. He whispered something into King Reynaud's ear that made his face turn to stone. He excused his children to go off and do something, but they had to return to him later that night in the Throne Room. Leopold and Yolanda went their own ways, Leopold saying he was going to train with Loran and Yolanda saying she was going to talk with Cordelia.

Yolanda found her best friend sitting on a window seat weaving flowers into a crown. Cordelia was looking down into the courtyard where Loran was sharpening his sword. Yolanda startled her as she sat down next to her.

"Who are we looking at?" Yolanda asked her, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"No one!" Cordelia stuttered.

"There's no use trying, Cordelia, I know."

"Phew!" Cordelia sighed, "I'm quite smitten with him. He's just so handsome!"

"I agree that he's handsome, but have you ever met Loran?"

"No! I have no business talking to a high-born that I don't serve!"

Yolanda rolled her eyes, "You're only saying that as an excuse, I know you."

Cordelia blushed, "I don't have enough courage to, I'll wait."

The girls sat watching Loran and Leopold mock-fight. They discussed topics and giggled about things every now and then. A little while later, Sir Cooper escorted Yolanda to the Throne Room. Inside, her brother and father were waiting for her. After dropping her off, Sir Cooper left the room so only Leopold, Yolanda, and Reynaud were left.

"Now that you're both here, I have some important business to take care of."

Yolanda furrowed her brows, "What are you talking about, father?"

Reynaud massaged his hands into his face and sighed. "I have just received this letter from King Uther Pendragon of Camelot. I haven't spoken to him in years, many years in fact. Before you oppose what I have to tell you, you need to know the history between Uther and I. This dates way back before either of you were born, before I married your mother. I grew up with Uther, we were both squires and heirs to our thrones. We were very close friends until we had to leave each other to rule our kingdoms. You see, this is where everything goes downhill. This is still before either of you were born, but there was a war, it was very insignificant for it only lasted a week, but it was still a war. They called it The War of the Foggy River, a river was exactly in the middle of the battlefield, splitting each side from one another. I chose the side I thought would win, The St. Claire's of Kara's Vale. Now, The St. Claire's were fighting against Uther which you can probably tell doesn't sound too great for me right now. Eventually, The Pendragon's won the war and the heir to the Kara's Vale was murdered in battle. After The War of the Foggy River, a peace treaty was formed, but no one signed it except for everyone on Camelot's side. Uther never forgot that I betrayed him. The letter he wrote states, 'Dear King Reynaud, I have been going through my scrolls and have decided to clear old rivalries. You will come to Camelot and your son will marry my ward Morgana, and your daughter will marry my son Arthur. If you do not accept this offer of peace, we will be forced to go to war. Signed, King Uther Pendragon.'"

A few moments of silence followed after Reynaud's monologue.

"I know this is a lot to take in," the king began, "But I don't want this for you, either. But I also don't want to go to war. One thing your mother always wanted in the world was your happiness, and she even told me she'd rather you both marry for love than power. I very much want that for you both, but some things cannot be. Don't try to protest, this is a final decision. We are leaving for Camelot tomorrow morning."

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