
The warm gleam of a sun beam, shining through my window woke me up a few hours later. To say I was confused would have been the understatement of the century. I had no idea if the things I remembered from last night - the phone call, the lullaby he had sung - were real, or if I'd only dreamt them. It felt rather real, but then again, my dreams mostly felt more real than anything other.

However, I came to the decision that I could have never made up the sound of his singing voice. As creative as my mind was from time to time, the beauty of his voice was just too perfect to be a imagination of my mind.

I rubbed my eyes lazily, after stretching and then sat up, draping my warm duvet over my shoulders again. As it was Sunday and I had nothing planned for the day, I had no intention in getting up any time soon. I searched for my phone in the mess that was my bed sheets, and unlocked it to check the time (10:15), noting the little envelope in the top left corner, indicating a new message.

My lips immediately curled up into a smile, the oh so familiar, tingling feeling coming back into my fingertips, as I swiftly pressed a few keys to open the message.

"Every single day I wake, I just can't wait to see your face

Are you looking back at me?

And every moment that goes by I am waiting for a sun.

Think of you and I'm alright.

Did you think of me tonight?

Good Morning, love <3 xx"

I giggled quietly, biting my lip while typing a reply.

"Hey there :) Am I now going to wake up to another poem from you every morning? :p And yes, I did indeed think of you. xx"

I still couldn't believe that someone would actually waste their time on writing poems or looking up the lyrics of love songs for me. He really was someone special.

And the best thing was that I felt no need to dissimulate in any way. I wasn't ashamed at all to tell him, I thought about him at night or that I found him cute. Everything felt so naturally with him. As it was meant to be that way.

"If you want to :) Though I'll probably switch more to song lyrics as my poems are crap! Aww, that's lovely. But don't let me keep you away from sleeping.xx"

His reply brought another smile to my face. That guy really had some kind of effect on me. I thought a moment, before replying, once again asking for his identity.

"Well, if you told me who you are, I wouldn't have to ponder over you so much :b xx"

I read over the message once again, smirking slightly. I was kind of lying to him, because even if I knew who he was, the thought of him would most likely still keep me awake at night. But who could blame me? He just seemed so damn interesting and perfect and how could he expect me to not think about him, when he was being so damn nice and sweet?

I sighed in frustration, as another message arrived.

"I guess so Hm.. Do you have any plans for today? ;) xx"

My heart started pounding loudly in my chest. He wasn't actually going to suggest to meet up, was he? I quickly replied, telling him I had no plans for today whatsoever and waited impatiently for him to answer me, excitedly fumbling with the bed sheets I was still laying in between. A few minutes later my phone finally vibrated again.

Messages » Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now