21- Let Me Explain

Start from the beginning


“Really Ryder.” I narrowed my eyes at him.


“I told you princess. I don’t cook. But I would love to watch you do it.” He winked with his signature smirk planted on his face. I just shook my head, turned on some music, and began to do my thing. I put the ham into a square cake pan covered it with foil and stuck it into the oven. Then I poured the pasta into some boiling water and started the timer.


“You’re sexy when you cook.” Ryder continued smirking.


“I’m glad you think so pervert.” I said sticking my tongue out at him.


He chuckled. “Come here.”


I hesitated but walked over to him on the other side of the counter. He got up placed his hands on my waist and picked me up setting me on the counter. He looked at me with admiration, love, and lust all at the same time.


“What do you want Ryder?” I asked with a cheesy grin on my face.


He chuckled. "Give me a kiss."


I shook my head back and forth. "One kiss."


He smirked. "Okay."


I placed my lips on his giving him a quick kiss. He grabbed my thighs and squeezed them making me gasp a little. The timer dinged and I immediately departed from his lips.


"Well pasta's done!" I yelped getting off the counter quickly and jogging to it.


"Just wait for it Charlie." Ryder playfully glared at me. "I'll get you soon." I giggled at him.


"I'm sure you will. Now will you come over here and dump this pasta into this strainer, I don't want to burn myself."


"Yes.” He sighed.




We finally finished making dinner, or should I say I just got done making dinner, and sat down at our fancy dining table. I fixed mine and Ryder's plate and watched him waiting for his reaction.


"Wow babygirl, this is really good!"


"I told you my Mac & cheese wasn't bad." I giggled.


"You were right. I love your Mac & cheese." He winked. "But...."


"What?" I said a little frantically, scared there was something wrong with it.


"I think....I love you more." He smirked.


I shook my head at him. "You're such a cheese ball." I laughed. "But I love you more too..." I smiled. "Almost."

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