Chapter 1

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It's a a cold winter night. I am alone in my room upstairs. No one is home. My mother is divorced and is an old drunk, I don't  even no where the hell my dad is. I never saw him since I was twelve ears old and I am sixteen years old now. Is it just me or time goes by really fast? Anyway back to my horrible life. This is the second time I'm a freshmen in highschool. Yup thats right I failed. I always never was good in school. Well what are you gonna do. I always hated school since the first day I started. Did I mention I'm bullied. Yeah I am. God I hate my life. Sometimes I wish I could just hang myself and leave this fucking life. Well I gotta go to bed. I have school in the morning. I'll write in you tomorrow.


I just came home from school, it was a terrible day. I dont even wanna talk about it but I guess if I do I'll feel a lot better. So anyway it was locker time and I was getting my books out of my locker. All of a sudden this girl named Dana comes up to me. Shes like the most popular and gorgous girl in school, shes also a slut. So she comes up to me and has the nerves to say to my face, '' Is it just me or is there a really ugly and smelly girl next to me''. I was about to smack her so hard but I couldn't cuz our principle was in the hallway across from us. Oh yeah and after that a couple of tall muscular guys came and laughed at me. Why. why, why does my life have to be so shitty?

Another horrid day at school. This guy who really likes me came up to me and asked me out. His name is Doug. So I said sure I'll go out with him,I mean whats the worst that could happen. I mean he wasn't buttass ugly he was alright. So after school he took me to the movies and we watched The Avengers. During the movie he yawned and put his arm around me you know that trick that every guy does during a movie when he sits next to a girl at the movies that he really likes. So anyway he did that and he kissed me. That kiss was so magical so I didn't pull back. We were making out for like to minutes and then I hear someone laughing. We both stopped and turned around. It was that bitch Dana. Then she said,'' I hope you guys are having fun cuz I know I am''. And she showed us a pic of me and Doug making out. Then she said with an evil smile on her face, '' I uploaded it to my facebook page and told everyone you lost your virginity''. Oh how could I show up at school tomorrow with everyone thinking I'm a hore. I'm doomed.

 I feel so alone. Everyone in school is spreading rumors about me. I have no one to talk to. What am I gonna do? I wish I had someone on my side, I wish I could get that bitch Dana back. But how? Maybe if I spied on her then I would get her back. I'll do that. I'll follow her home from school tomrrow and see if I can get some good evidence on her. 

 I'm gonna try to get my revenge back at Dana today. Hope I do good and find some good evidence on her

 I got some juicy evidence on that bitch. So I followed Dana to the our English teacher's classroom. His name is Mr. Enrique. It was during study hall. I was outside in the hallway looking through the door's window. At first I was bored cuz all I saw was them talking. Then after a few minutes I saw them kissing! It looked like they were trying to swallow eachother. I took out my iphone and recorded the entire thing. Then I uploaded it to youtube. After that I opened the door. Then they stopped and turned around. Then I said in a mocking tone,'' Having fun cuz I know I am''. And then turned around and laughed. Oh sweet, sweet, revenge!

I had an amazing day at school. Everyone was so nice to me and everyone was totally mean to Dana. Well thats what she deserves after all those times she messed with me. And I looked at my video and I already got a half a million views. Revenge is sweet.

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