Chapter 12

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3rd person's pov.

Tsuna wake up feeling the pain all over his body, but it was worth it because he found warmness when he cuddle next to his lover again.

Kyoya smile on what he saw, his cute little Omnivore just snuggle more closer to him. After a few minutes he realize that his cute Omnivore just fell asleep again. He sigh and cuddle his love again and close his eyes.

Its already 10:46 am when Kyoya wake up and saw the clock beside the table. He take glance of his cute Omnivore who is still sleeping peacefully. As much as he wants the Omnivore to sleep some more its already late in the morning.

He then lean forwards the brunet and kiss him in the lips softly. With the action, Tsuna slowly wake up. As he saw his lover's face he gave him a warm smile.

"Good Morning." Tsuna said in so low voice.

"Morning." He kiss him again which Tsuna giggle.

"What time is it?" Tsuna ask.

"Hn.10:50 am already." Kyoya said.

"Heh?, Its late!" Tsuna said shoking but his voice is still in low tone because his voice was just recover. He try to sat but failed.

"Tsk, Let me carry you." Kyoya said then he carry Tsuna bridal style in the bathroom.

"Ah-ah, Tha-Thanks." Tsuna said while blushing and hide his face as possible.

Mini Skip.

When Reborn contacted Kyoya that he and Tsuna should go home to Japan already. They immediately pack there things and flew Japan. Kyoya was excited to go back, once again he could go back to his territory again and Tsuna is on it, he'll make sure nothing happen to his beloved.

When they go there Shamal immediately Check on Tsuna's Throat. A couple of medicine, and some rest voice will be ok. And as soon as possible the sky voice will be back again.

Next Day.

Tsuna wake up in his bed. He quickly fix hisself before going down stair.

"Morning Dame-Tsuna/ Tsuna/ Tsu-kun/ Tsuna-nii." They all said.

"Morning Reborn, Binachi-nee, Mama, Lambo, I-pin, and Fuuta" Tsuna said in a low, very low voice.

All if them smile as they heard Tsuna's angelic voice again. Even though its so low more like a whisper still they glad that there sky can talk again.

Tsuna eat his breakfast happily with everyone else. His mom was more happy that her Tsu-kun is happy and giving everybody a warm smile.

When Tsuna was going out, he immediately was greeted by his storm and Rain.

"Good Morning Juudaime."

"Yo Tsuna."

Both of his guardians say, he smile and said good morning to them.To much they are surprise that there sky voice was finally back.

They walk together to the school with Hayato who is arguing on how Takeshi should respect his Juudaime.

When they reach to school, Both Storm and Rain was shock when the Cloud pull Tsuna on the arms and kiss his cheek.

"Morning my love." Kyoya whisper in the ears of Tsuna. Tsuna just blush and look down, he doesn't know how to react or how respond to his lover.

"Hoy, Teme, what are you doing to Juudaime.!?" Hayato said ready his dynamites.

Kyoya glare at Hayato coldly.
"Ah-Ahm, Go-gokudera-kun. Ca-calm down. Ky-Kyoya ju-just.. ahm..." Then Tsuna's words was cut by the bell.

"Herbivores, I'll bite you to death!" Kyoya said ready his tonfas to attack Hayato but it was stop by Takeshi.

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