Ch.6 Your enough

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3rd person's pov.

Its been 2 days since Tsuna became mute. Currently he was sleeping on his bed peacefully, when that peace was disturb by Reborn who again hit him with a giant mallet. He wants to complain but he remember that his mute.

"Mou~ Reborn is really a spartan tutor, no Torture from hell." Tsuna thought in annoyance as he hold his head where reborn hit him.


Tsuna heard that then he saw that Reborn was pointing a gun to him. Yes the adult reborn was pointing a gun to him. "Say that again Dame-Tsuna or I'll shoot a bullet on your head." Reborn said.

"HHHHHREEEEEEIIII? I forgot that he could read minds." Tsuna said.

"Wow, even your inner voice is annoying and with that stupid high pitch voice of yours. Now get up or your be late. " Reborn said.

Tsuna then turn and look at his clock. "Wah... I'm gonna be bitten to death!" Tsuna thought as he ran to the bathroom and fix hisself.

When he came down to the stair he saw that Reborn was smirking and drinking an expresso. Bianchi who is beside his lover and the kids were chatting happily.

"Good morning Tsuna/ Tsuna-nii/ Tsu-kun." They all said. Tsuna gave his brighter and warm smile that everyone felt happy.

He then grab a piece of toast and look at reborn. "Can you tell them I'll be going. Or I'll be bitten to death." Tsuna thought then he walk out of the Kitchen.

"You own me an Expresso Dame-Tsuna for ordering me." Reborn thought.

"Nana-san, Tsuna is going already or his late." Reborn said.

They all nodded in understandment.
As Tsuna came out from the door he was greeted by his storm and Rain.

"Good Morning Juudaime." Hayato said and bow.

"Good Morning Tsuna."  Takeshi said with his smile.

He just smile warmly to them.

"Ah~ I miss your voice already Tsuna." Takeshi said.

Tsuna nodded with Takeshi and gave a sad smile. "I also want to talk normaly to you guys." Tsuna thought. Hayato saw the face of Tsuna then he hit the baseball freak.

"Hey what was that for?" Takeshi said.

"For making Juudaime feel sad." Hayato said.

Tsuna stop them by giving them a warm smile again. They both stop and start running to school. As they went to the school ground, Tsuna greeted his cloud with a warm smile too. A smile where Kyoya's heart melt.

Kyoya just pat Tsuna's head. "Hn. Morning too." Kyoya said as he stop patting Tsuna's head and walk away. Tsuna just stand there shock and was also blushing.

"Di-Did Hibari-san Greeted me?" Tsuna thought and he then snap out when Hayato tap on his shoulder.

"Juudaime?" Hayato said in confusion.

Tsuna shook his head and smile at hayato and they went to the class.
But Tsuna drift off quickly as he sat in his sit. He was thinking about what happen this morning.

"Di-Did Hibari-san just did that to me? I-I mean... Huwweaaahhhh!" Tsuna thought as he was smiling like an idiot.  He then shook his head and focus his attention in the class.

But no, he still can't focus. Because imagine if your crush just greeted you and also pat your head ofcourse you'll be happy won't you?

Tsuna is feeling the same. He was smiling like an idiot thinking his happy ever after with the perfect.

Mini Skip.

When Lunch came. Tsuna eat with his Storm and Rain in the rooftop. As usual the two is still arguing. Then Kyoya open the door slowly and his gaze went to Tsuna. He sat beside Tsuna knowing that Tsuna won't mind.

But he was surprise that Tsuna came close to him and pinch his cheek. He was delightfully pleased when that happen. He place a smirk, then he saw that Tsuna was writing something.

[ Your not Hibari-san aren't you? Your Mukuro again aren't you] Tsuna show his note.

Kyoya then paled. Oh yeah as clearly as he remember that Pineapple herbivore pretend to be him once and stole his lunch. He then let out one tonfa and hit Tsuna in the head.

"Hn. if you call me Hibari-san again I'll bite you death. And don't you dare mention that pineapple herbivore's name." Kyoya said coldly.

Tsuna hold his head where Kyoya hit him but smile warmly. He confirm that Kyoya is Kyoya not Mukuro. And hand over the lunch.

Then Kyoya smirk when he saw that his bento was made of steak which is his favorite he then look at Tsuna who is holding his notepad.

[Take it as my thank you, Kyoya. I know its not that much.] Tsuna show the note.

"Hn." Is only Kyoya can say. "If only you knew, If only I could tell you. That your warm smile is enough. your cooking was enough and you your self is enough. Seeing you everyday is enough for me. Enough to complete my day. But it won't be complete because I would like to hear your Angelic Voice again. Your angelic voice that your mention my name." Kyoya thought while eating his lunch.

After some arguing of both Storm and Rain, Somehow the cloud got involved because the Storm was overprotective again towards his Juudaime.

Mini Skip.

This time Hayato walk Tsuna home making sure that his precious Juudaime reach his home safely.

As Tsuna got home he thank Hayato by bowing to him and writing in the notepad then he greeted his mother and the kids with a hug and smile then he proceed to his room.

There when he got to his room he was surprise to see Reborn was there. Sitting in his bed like a professional.

"Hhhheeeeeiiii? Why is reborn here?" He think.

"Shut up Dame-Tsuna. Your high pitch Voice is really annoying. Anywho I had an offer." Reborn said.

"An offer?" Tsuna thought.

"Yup, but answer one question..... Your inlove with your cloud aren't you?" Reborn said.

Tsuna blink twice and Trice before he mentally scream.



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Hope you like it. 😄😄😄

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