Ch.7 Offer.

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3rd person pov.

"HHHHHEEEEEIIIII" Tsuna mentally scream.

"Stop shouting Dame-Tsuna.Your voice really hurts." Reborn said.

"Ho-How?" Tsuna thought.

"You know I'm you tutor and a hitman so I know everything." Reborn said.

"Bu-but, ho- Wwwwaaaahhh, Pls Reborn I'm begging you don't tell anybody about this." Tsuna said and give a please look to reborn.

"Yeah, yeah, so I had an offer." Reborn said.

"What offer?" Tsuna thought.

"See, for two months You'll will have no class. Your going to be in meeting in the Italy as a Next Vongola Decimo you need to be there. As your right hand man, Hayato says he will be in charge on setting your preparations in italy and in charge on some paperworks that the Decimo should be doing." Reborn said.

"Paperworks? You mean hell of the Paperworks." Tsuna thought. Yes he did some paperworks once. It was 3 weeks vacation where theres no class. Timeo got sick at that time so as the Nect heir he did that paperworks and it was hell. He said that he don't wanna do that again.

But reborn said that is his future, signing paperworks.

"Yes, Paper works. Back to the topic. To go the meeting you need at least one guardian to go with you. Both Rain and Sun have practice in Baseball and Boxing. You can't possibly choose Chrome and Mukuro? Neh, his in Kokoyu land having his time. So probably your only chance is your Cloud." Reborn said.

"Wait? What? Only Kyoya?" Tsuna thought.

"Kyoya?" Reborn questioned.

"Un, Kyoya said that I should call him Kyoya. If not he'll bite me to death." Tsuna thought.

"Ah.. As expected to him. Anywho for two weeks your going to spend time with him. So don't waste time, tell him how you feel." Reborn said.

"Ho-how? I can't speak.He can't read minds. And most importantly I-I don't know how? and what if he will reject me? What if ... If I confess to him he'll never be my cloud again. What if..." Tsuna thought but his thought was cut when he receive a smack from Reborn who is now holding a giant mallet.

"How will you know the answer if you don't try.?" Reborn said.

"Bu-But... I..." Tsuna thought, he could not find the right words.  Reborn then stand up and walk towards the door.

"Don't waste the one time opportunity." Reborn said then left his students room.

Tsuna then jump on the bed rolling around. Thinking what to do? What to do if he will confess his feelings. Last time he check his feelings were crushed by Kyoya because of what happen.

Flash Back

It happens before the Incident. He can still talk but he also have a crush on Kyoya already.

He want to confess his feelings for him but once he was infront of his cloud he always look like an Idiot. His heart always comes to doki doki and he always forgot what to say when his cloud is infront of him.

So he decided to write a letter. A letter from him. He left the Violet envelop in the desk of the chairman hoping no one saw him put that thing there beside he came from the window probably no one will saw him.

He was happy, but he completely forgot something. He confess but never did he write his name in the letter. He went back to the office but what he saw make him almost had a heart attack.

Kyoya was reading letter. He heard a sigh and he saw that the letter was threw away flying down the window. His heart then was crushed as he pick his letter up.

He spend almost one night just to write the exact words in the end he failed.

Flash back ends.

He then get the purple paper where he write his poems of feeling towards Kyoya. He look at it and hold it tight.

"Maybe I shouldn't try. Beside I don't want him to leave. I want't him to be with me. Forever it possibly, Its ok if me and Kyoya will just be a sky and a Cloud nothing more or nothing less. That alone is enough." Tsuna thought.

Tsuna keep thinking about what reborn said. Currently his mind is having a argument between if his going to tell Kyoya or not.

"What to do?"Tsuna thought.


Kyoya in the other hand, well was about to leave his office when reborn came in towards his window.

"Hn. Hitman Carnivore?What are you doing here?" Kyoya said.

"I came here for some business, wanna hear it?" Reborn said.

"Hn." Kyoya said as he sat on the couch again.

Reborn was still in the window leaning.

"I have an offer..." Reborn started.


Thank for reading
Hope you like it 😄😄😄

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